Mr. Ye Shengtao has always advocated that teaching must combine reading, writing and personal life in order to cultivate and cultivate healthy citizens. This is the essence and core of Ye Lao’s teaching ideas. Under the guidance of this teaching ideology, Ye Lao has specific rich content on the nature, tasks, and training objectives of Chinese language teaching. Ye Lao believes that “in the modern society, the tool of language is not a tool possessed by a few readers, but is a tool shared by every citizen and is the ’public device’ of society. Since language education is related to every citizen in society, In this case, the language tool must be practiced by everyone to get a job.“ ”Everybody deserves what he deserves. Never allow a person to read or write well.“ Therefore, every school teaching and even the entire society must care about language teaching. This is what we commonly call ”big Chinese thinking." It frees language education from the narrow prejudices and traditional concepts that have always been caught up in the school’s scope, making it a business that the entire society must work together to cultivate a sound citizen.