高血压脑出血是老年人常见病之一。应用CT诊断脑出血迅速、直观、准确。能及时发现血肿破入脑室及多发性血肿。现将本院127例急性高血压脑出血的CT表现与临床及预后的关系讨论分析如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料:选取1992年3月~1994年3月资料较全的急性高血压脑出血病127例。男77例,女50例,年龄30~90岁,平均年龄62岁。首次检查在急性发病48小时之内,110例在2~8周后作了CT复查。 1.2 CT表现:127例CT共检出136个血肿,其中单发血肿120例(94.4%),多发血肿7例(5.5%)。最大血肿5.5×8×5cm,最小血肿1.2×1×1cm。血肿位于双侧基底节56例(44%),脑叶26例(20.4%),丘脑18例(14.1%),小脑9例(7%),脑
Hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage is one of the common diseases in the elderly. CT diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage quickly, intuitively and accurately. Can be found in time hematoma ruptured ventricular and multiple hematoma. Now 127 cases of acute hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage CT findings and clinical and prognosis of the relationship as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General information: Select from March 1992 to March 1994 more information on the 127 cases of acute hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage. 77 males and 50 females, aged 30 to 90 years, mean age 62 years. The first examination within 48 hours of acute onset, 110 cases were 2 to 8 weeks after the CT review. 1.2 CT findings: 127 cases of CT were detected 136 hematoma, including 120 cases of single hematoma (94.4%), multiple hematoma in 7 cases (5.5%). The largest hematoma 5.5 × 8 × 5cm, the smallest hematoma 1.2 × 1 × 1cm. The hematoma was located in 56 cases (44%) of the bilateral basal ganglia, 26 cases (20.4%) of the lobes, 18 cases (14.1%) of the thalamus, 9 cases (7%) of the cerebellum,