2017年2月1 1日上午10时,我们敬重的老社长、藏学家、西藏民俗学家和民间文艺家廖东凡先生因病重医治无效在北京逝世,享年79岁。噩耗传来,中国西藏杂志社全体人员深感悲痛!廖东凡先生,1938年1月8日出生于湖南省宁乡县横田村,1961年毕业于北京大学中文系。毕业后,廖东凡先生自愿赴西藏高原工作,长期深入西藏各地城镇、农村和寺庙,对藏族历史、宗教、民俗、民间文艺开展广泛调研。在长达24年的时间里,廖东凡先生与西藏广大
At 01 a.m. on February 1, 2017, at 10 a.m., Mr. Liao Dongfan, an old president, Tibetan writer, Tibetan folklorist and folklore artist whom we respect, died at Beijing’s capital at the age of 79 due to invalid medical treatment. Sad news came from all staffs in Tibet Magazine of China. Mr. Liao Dongfan was born on January 8, 1938 in Hengtian Village, Ningxiang County, Hunan Province. He graduated from Department of Chinese, Peking University in 1961. After graduation, Mr. Liao Dongfan volunteered to work in the Tibetan Plateau for a long period of time and went to cities, towns, villages and temples throughout Tibet for extensive research on Tibetan history, religion, folklore and folklore. For up to 24 years, Mr. Liao Dongfan and Tibet are vast