The Scarlet Letter

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  【Abstract】Nathaniel Hawthorne is a famous American writer in perspective of his unique style of metaphor and symbolism.His work usually creates an atmosphere of fear,depression,dark,death and hatred.The Scarlet Letter,which was widely considered to be his master piece,is no doubt the representative of this writing style.In it,the author created several characters; both made their first appearance naturally and without much suspension,yet with the development of the plot and Hawthorne’s exquisite depiction of the miens and actions of characters,the struggle,the mutual relation and all the complicated emotions,the book revealed a magnificent series of story-telling pictures in front of the readers.This paper intends to look into Hawthorne’s art of using metaphors and other writing techniques,and finds it is truly a good textbook for people learning how to write a good piece of work.
  【Key words】 metaphor; symbolism; characters
  Hawthorne’s novel is famous for his obscurity and eximious use of metaphors and symbols.His sharp satire and profound critics floated through lines.Reading through his several novels,we find that the characters that made up the whole story very often to be small in number yet rich in meaning.In his “Young Good Man Brown”,Hawthorne described a fascinating surrealistic adventure of a confused Puritan with only three main characters—funny like that one of them is “Satan” without a certain name.In The Scarlet Letter,Hawthorne again adopted this style.In the whole book,there are no more than twenty characters and among them,less than ten with a name.One thing worth the whistle is that there are four subordinate characters — Governor Bellingham,Reverend John Wilson,old Mistress Hibbins and “a young wife” which is youngest in age yet softest in heart.They are the respective reflection of Pearl,Reverend Master Dimmesdale,Roger Chillingworth and Hester Prynne—the heroes and heroines of the story; each two of these characters are further compared,so as to bring out the best in each other of their rich characteristics.
  Hester is the tangible scarlet letter.She was the descendant from a downfallen aristocratic family.Her parents were poor yet with integrity.Her marriage is a failed one,although her husband appeared to be learned and good previously,later turned out to be bookish and dull.Besides,she lost his tidings in two years after his voyage out of the town and rumour said that he had been sunk into the bottom of the sea.With this unpredictable premise,it seemed now reasonable of the beautiful widow’s loving affection with her counterpart Dimmesdale.After their love affair has been discovered,Hester was obliged to wear the scarlet letter; and to save the reputation of her lover,she decided to take all the sins and condemns by her own.Meanwhile she took a very good care of her little precious Pearl.She did not take the brand as an overall dreadful shame; on the contrary,the scarlet letter was “so fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her bosom”.In stead of being sunk into the venomous demeanour from the multitude,she faced it with great courage and peace through struggle in the heart:   It was almost intolerable to be borne.Of an impulsive and passionate nature,she had fortified herself to encounter the stings and venomous stabs of public contumely,wreaking itself in every variety of insult; but there was a quality so much more terrible in the solemn mood of the popular mind,that she longed rather to behold all those rigid countenances contorted with scornful merriment,and herself the object.
  Hawthorne,on one hand,being a Puritan,is deeply affected by its regulations and canons; but at the same time he showed in every aspect his sympathy and understanding towards the heroine – Hester Prynne.In the second chapter of her debut,the author described her as:
  …… tall,with a figure of perfect elegance on a large scale.She had dark and abundant hair,so glossy that it threw off the sunshine with a gleam,and a face which,besides being beautiful from regularity of feature and richness of complexion,had the impressiveness belonging to a marked brow and deep black eyes.She was ladylike,too,after the manner of the feminine gentility of those days; characterized by a certain state and dignity,rather than by the delicate,evanescent,and indescribable grace,which is now recognized as its indication.
  Here,Hawthorne made a detailed and exquisite description of Hester,from a whole impression of “tall”,“a figure of perfect elegance on a large scale” to the particular part of hair,face,brow,eyes,using a vast and diversiform words like “dark”,“abundant”,“glossy”,“gleam”,“beautiful”,“richness”,“deep black”,“ladylike”,“gentility”,“dignity”,“indescribable grace”,“delicate”.It was conspicuous the author had a great love and pity towards Hester,with indications that shows her righteousness and beautifulness both external and internal.Hawthorne’s attitude towards Hester was never a stern blame but undisguised glorification.In the scene where Hester was first about to appear on the stage,the author created a conversation between five women.The manifest description of their miens showed his abhorring towards them (except that “young wife” with the soft heart),the representatives of the extremity regulations and marble emotion in Puritanism.The first talker is “a hard-featured dame of fifty”,the third being an “autumnal matron” and the last “the ugliest as well as the most pitiless of these self-constituted judges”.Although it may acknowledge that Hawthorne was against this adultery between Hester and Dimmesdale,as he himself was a quite pure Puritan.Yet when we read through the whole book,remarks of disapproval are most constantly from the “self-constituted judges”,the “solemn personages” made up of counselors,judge,general and ministers of the town (Governor Bellingham was on the whole a gentleman of good reputation and a more graceful heart than others.But still,it won’t change the fact that he was also a member,if not a typical one,of the harsh religion); and of course the most disapproved of all,is Hester’s husband,John Chillingworth.These characters,under Hawthorn’s pen,are living portraits of disgusting visage and evil-like heart.   II.Abbé,Abnegation
  Dimmesdale is the invisible scarlet letter.Compared to Hester,Dimmesdale was more of a coward.Though people may say that this is the result of him being deeply affected by religious bondages,it seemed to me that it still doesn’t give him the reason to stand behind.Notwithstanding,he had wanted to confess his sin: “for believe me,Hester,though he were to step down from a high place,and stand there beside thee,on thy pedestal of shame,yet better were it so,than to hide a guilty heart through life”.But the strong idea of “atonement” and “sin” intermingled with each other in his heart and took possession for as long enough as seven years.There was a detail in chapter III where Hawthorn painted out Dimmesdale’s psychological movement: “‘she will not speak!’”murmured Mr.Dimmesdale,who,leaning over the balcony,with his hand upon his heart,had awaited the result of his appeal.He now drew back,with a long respiration.“‘Wondrous strength and generosity of a woman’s heart! She will not speak!’”Here,the action “leaning over” and “hold his hand upon his heart” all showed an extreme tension in Dimmesdale’s nerves.But with a convert of “drew back”,he was released from this great suffering.Repeating of the words “she will not speak! She will not speak!” makes this emotion stronger than ever,for the voice comes from mouth,comes from heart.After seven years of bearing and torture,he can no longer stand this evil monster thus finally stands out under the sunlight.
  Hawthorn is a writer of complex world view.He chose a romance tragedy as the theme of The Scarlet Letter and made himself involved in the endless confliction of consciousness.He denounced unreasonable marriage—like Hester and Chillingworth,and even described the loving relationship between Hester and Dimmesdale as “the sacred contribution”; nonetheless,he did not have the courage to admit unlawful emotions,and won’t give the two a good ending.All he can do was to let Chillingworth discover his conscience when he died,leaving his entire heritage to Pearl.In fact,what Hawthorn was to express in the book is the social state by then and the fate of humanity.The philosophy of “good” and “evil” is always his concern.As the author wrote at the end of the book: It bore a device,a herald’s wording of which might serve for a motto and brief description of our now concluded legend; so sombre is it,and relieved only by one ever-glowing point of light gloomier than the shadow:—
  “On a field,sable,the letter A,gules”
  [1]Arvin,Newton.Hawthorne.New York: Russell
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