提问是阅读教学中经常采用的一种教学方法。因此,教师必须精心设计提问,讲究问题设计的技巧,使每个提问富于艺术性,切实收到良好的教学效果。课堂提问一般有下面几种类型: 一、把握整体,感知性提问讲读一篇课文,首先要让学生感知课文内容。只有了解课文写些什么,才能进一步去理解、去体会。如第9册《海上日出》,在学生默读课文后,就要问:“太阳升起来以前,天空的景色有什么变化?”“作者在海上看到太阳是怎样升起来的?”“太阳升起来以后,天空有云,出现了什么景象?”引导学生理清课文脉络,读通课文,把握课文的整体内容,充分感知课文的语言文字,为理解课文的内容,体味课文的思想作好准备。在讲读一段课文时,也要通过感知性提
Questioning is a teaching method commonly used in reading teaching. Therefore, teachers must carefully design questions and pay attention to the skills of problem design so that each question is rich in artistry and actually receives good teaching results. Class questions generally have the following types: First, grasp the overall perception of Questioning to read a text, first of all let the students feel the text content. Only understand the text to write something, to further understand, to understand. As Volume 9, “Sunrise on the Sea,” after the student reads the text silently, he asks, “What has changed in the sky before the sun rises?” “How did the author see the sun rise at sea?” “The sun After the rise, the sky there clouds, what appeared the scene? ”Guide students to sort out the text context, read through the text, grasp the overall content of the text, the full perceived text language, to understand the text content, taste the text thought to do ready. When reading a passage, also through the perception of mention