我国一些企业确实履行了自己的社会责任,担当了企业公民的义务,但做得远远不够,那么,我们的企业应该怎样担当中国式的社会责任? 在9月25日召开的第五届中国企业社会责任国际论坛上,与会的企业代表、官员和媒体对中国式企业社会责任及其短板等问题进行了深刻的探讨。企业责任已非传统概念企业的社会责任是随着企业机制的合理变化和市场经济的成熟而逐渐成熟的,中国新闻社社长刘北宪说:“企业承担和履行社会责任,在经历了理念启蒙、行动探索、社会共识等发展阶段后,已经初步形成了政府倡导、
Some Chinese enterprises did fulfill their social responsibilities and took the responsibility of corporate citizenship, but they did not do enough. So how should our enterprises play the Chinese-style social responsibility? On the 5th China At the International Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility, representatives of enterprises attending the meeting, officials and the media conducted a profound discussion on issues such as Chinese-style corporate social responsibility and shortcomings. Corporate responsibility has become unconventional Corporate social responsibility is gradually maturing with the rational changes of corporate mechanisms and the maturity of the market economy. Liu Beixian, president of China National News Agency, said: ”Enterprises are undertaking social responsibility and have experienced the concept of enlightenment , Action exploration, social consensus and other stages of development, has initially formed a government advocacy,