
来源 :中国青年政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pommylo
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集体主义作为道德原则并非古已有之,而是工人阶级先进世界观与传统美德相结合的崭新概念。青年的社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德的建设,都必须坚持集体主义原则所规定的导向,才能取得实效。正确地理解和实践集体主义的原则,还须区别集体主义与小团体主义,弄清集体主义不等于忽视个人利益,不存在“合理的个人主义”。把社会和人民大众的利益置于至高无上的地位,在保证集体利益前提下发展个人利益,必要时个人利益服从集体利益,这才是集体主义原则的科学内涵 As a moral principle, collectivism has not existed in ancient times, but a brand new concept combining the advanced world outlook of the working class with the traditional virtue. Young people’s social morals, professional ethics, and family virtues must be guided by the principle of collectivism in order to achieve tangible results. To correctly understand and practice the principle of collectivism, we must also distinguish between collectivism and small group collectivism, and make clear that collectivism does not mean ignoring individual interests and that there is no “reasonable individualism.” It is the collectivism’s scientific connotation that the interests of society and the general public should be placed in the supreme position and personal interests should be developed on the premise of guaranteeing collective benefits and the personal interests subject to collective interests when necessary
第九册内容有:小数的乘法和除法;整数、小数四则混合运算和应用题;多边形面积的计算;简易方程。 一、小数的纳法和除法 小数和整数有密切地联系,要把整数运算知识迁移到小数运算
现代企业思想政治工作要做到三新 :领导体制要新、运作体制要新、激励体制要新。 Ideological and political work in modern enterprises should be done in three aspects