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  一.Textbook Chapter: Unit4 ( Section A 3a-3b)
  二.Lesson Theme/Topic: Where is my backpack?
  三.Grade(s): Grade7 Term1
  四.Learning analysis:
  My students are all from the countryside. They can speak Chinese and minority languages ( Yi language).They didn't learn English in primary school. I teach two classes, each class with 55 students, a total of 110 students. The school where I work is a boarding school. These students come from rural, China's remote mountain villages. Their parents don't have stable jobs. Most of students’ parents go to the city to earn money, and the grandparents take care of students on weekends. These students are kind, cute, well-behaved, friendly, understanding clever and understanding. Of course, sometimes they are specially naughty and lonely because they lack the company of their parents. I love them, and they also love me. I will teach the content about Grade7 Term1, Unit4 Where is my backpack?( Section A 3a-3b) . The students of Grade7 Term1 are still in a confused stage after they have learned a little English. A good beginning is half done.
  五.Teaching analysis:
  In this chapter, the content of 3a is a dialogue exercise. After learning the input and output theory of knowledge, I always want to try the application of this theory. Dialogue exercises can reflect this theory. Of course, it's also a big challenge for me. The content of 3b is showed through activities, which I basically ignored in class before. Now I understand the importance of the classroom activity, according to the theory of learning motivation, in order to stimulate and cultivate the students' learning motivation, teachers should create a learning environment for students to attract students' interests. Through classroom activities, students can work together more closely and improve their communication ability. At the same time, I will try to use of new methods from teachers of MOOC and University of Ottawa to design some activities. So as a teacher, I will create a learning environment to stimulate the enthusiasm of students to learn English and cultivate their interest in learning English. I should try my best to create a friendly and harmonious atmosphere, eliminate students' fear in the mood of learning English, and make students be full of confidence and confidence about learning English.
  六. Lesson objectives:
  1.Students will be able to speak more confidently and be more interested in English.   2.Students will be able to master the rules of preposition and Where sentence structure.
  3.Students will be able to improve their communicative ability.
  七.Teaching steps:
  1. Warming- up  (The purpose of warming-up is according to the theory of learning motivation. In order to stimulate and cultivate students’ learning motivation. As teachers, we should create a learning environment for students to attract students’ interest and the attention of students through warming-up.)
  Sing “Where are your friends?” song :
  A: Where are your friends? Where are your friends?
  B: They are in the room.
  They are in the room.
  A: Where are you from? Where are you from?
  B: I am from China.
  I am from China.
  2.lead-in  (Teacher provides students important information about topic or language and let students know what  the purpose of this lesson is, and then review knowledge groundwork for new knowledge and introduce new knowledge through lead-in.)
  Design a learning environment that is connected with “where” sentence structure.
  Teacher: I have been very forgetful lately. Have you seen my backpack? Where is my backpack, Tom?
  S1: Sorry, I don’t know.
  Teacher: Is it under the desk?
  S2: Let me see. Oh, here is your backpack.
  3.teaching contents
  Part A:  Put these sentences in order to make a conversation. [This part is the key point of the textbook and also the difficult point of the textbook. Mainly grasp the use of key sentence structure ( where is ...?  I don’t know, and so on) through Part A.]  --3a
  _  I don’t know.
  _  Is it on the dresser?
  _  No, it isn’t.
  1  Where ‘s the bag?
  Part B:  word scramble, memorize the meaning of the words and make sentences. (To check students' mastery of words, also let students know the function and the meaning of these words in the conversation through Part B.)
  eg:   b d e → bed ( Where is your bed?)
  o w k n →
  e h t y →
  e h r e w →
  d e r s r e s →
  y e k s →
  c l e i p n →
  n u r e d →
  Part C:  pair work / running dictation (According to the theory of input and output of knowledge to develop the students’ ability to listen, speak, write and remember through running dictation.)
  Practice the conversation in the picture above ( By looking at the picture and speaking, students can improve their listening and oral English. At the same time, cultivate their communicative ability.) --3b   Two students make a group, one remembers the sentences, the other writes them down, and then two students will talk and change roles.
  A: Where ‘s the bag?
  B: I don’t know.
  A: Is it on the dresser?
  B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
  A. Error correction
  1.The English book on the dresser.
  2.The baseball is the bed under.
  3.The eraser is the table.
  4.it’s in the box.
  5. The jacket are on the sofa.
  6. Where my notebook is?
  B.Write a composition “ My Room”
  Eg:  This is my room. There is a big bed, a table, a computer and some chairs in it. There’s a glass and some books on the table. There is a picture on the wall. I am in the room. I look at my family photos. My father and mother are in the school. They work hard. I love my family and my room.
  八.Teaching reflection:
  I look forward to teaching pair work the most. For my students, it’s difficult to speak English. It's also a big challenge for me. 3b and 3c are both showed through activities, which I basically ignored in class before. I will give students time to practice speaking and listening English through pair work.
摘 要:幼儿园户外环境的创设应自然化、生态化,以促进幼儿的健康成长。但生态化的户外环境不应是植物、绿化的简单叠加,还要根据幼儿园所在位置的在地性,其地域文化,创设良好的物质生态环境和非物质生态环境,将物质环境与非物质环境相结合,从而形成幼儿园所独有的户外生态环境。  关键词:幼儿园;户外;生态环境  幼儿园户外环境创设对幼儿的成长极其重要,支持幼儿沉浸在自然世界,可以增强幼儿的认知、动作、语言、社
摘 要:从章节构成、物理实验、教材例题、教材插图四个方面对中美高中物理典型教材中的核物理内容进行比较研究,得出中美教材篇幅相当,内容相近;人教版教材没有设置实验,而美国教材设计了三个实验,且器材较为生活化;美国教材例题更多,且给出了明确的解题步骤,并引导学生批判性思考;最后得针对比较结论,对国内高中物理教材编写提出了几点建议。  关键词:中国;美国;高中物理教材;核物理;比较研究  核物理是20世
摘 要:初中阶段是学生接触系统生物学知识的起点,为学生之后的生物学习奠定基础作用,因此,初中阶段的生物教学理应受到教师的重视,而随着初中生物新课程改革的不断推进,传统的初中生物课堂教学方法弊端也不断地显露出来,初中生物教师应当在新形势下进行教学策略的改进,提高初中生物课堂教学的效果。本文将以“教学目标的制定”“教学方法的选择”“教学氛围的营造”等为例,浅谈如何在新课程改革的背景下进行初中生物教学的
摘 要:依据新课程标准教师应具备合理的、科学的评价理念,重视对学生数学学习过程的评价。为此,本文提出高中数学教学过程应围绕教数学本质、教数学思想方法以及教数学知识形成过程这三面展开来落实关注学生数学学习的过程性评价。  关键词:评价;数学本质;数学思想方法;知识形成过程  一、教数学本质,关注对学生理解数学概念的评价  数学概念是数学学科的基本组成部分,在概念教学过程中必须引导学生学会透过现象看到
摘 要:新时代的数学学科的专业教学不再满足课堂教学,加入德育教学才是教学新标准。现代教育并不局限在理论知识的传导,各个学科均有为学生树立正确世界观和价值观,开展德育渗透培养学生健全人格的职责,为此,核心素养培养成为学科教育发展的要求。本文基于核心素养下初中数学教学中的德育渗透对策探析展开论述。  关键词:核心素养;初中数学教学;德育渗透对策探析  引言:  现阶段我国教育领域注重对学生各学科综合学
摘 要:小学英语教学,不仅要让学生掌握单词句子的发音与拼写,更重要的是要培养学生的自主学习能力。本文通过了解开展英语课堂自主阅读教学的重要意义,对如何培养学生的英语自主学习能力进行探索。  关键词:小学高年段;英语教学;自主阅读  一、开展英语课堂自主阅读教学的重要意义  在教师的指导之下,学生根据自身的学习情况计划和调整自己的学习活动,这就叫做自主性学习。学生在进行自主性学习的过程中,锻炼了自己
摘 要:教师认为知识学习的本质在于运用,更在于学生对知识的灵活运用。小学数学教师在教学的过程中,应注重培养学生运用数学知识,解决实际问题的能力,并在此过程中,注重以核心素养为标尺,开展小学数学的教学,真正让学生的综合解决能力得到提升,促进学生小学数学核心素养的形成,提升数学教学的有效性。  关键词:小学数学:核心素养;小学生;问题解决  本文中的数学核心素养注重从实际生活的角度着力,注重培养学生正
摘 要:随着教育水平的不断提升,初中数学的教育也不仅限于书本上的知识,而是扩大到生活实际中,同时新课程的不断改革也提高了初中学生的数学学习标准,具体表现为初中学生数学学习愈加注重核心素养的培养。初中学生培养数学核心素养能够丰富数学知识,树立数学观念,提高数学学习效率。由于教师在教学中无法利用合理的教学手段培养初中学生的核心素养,导致初中学生未能对核心素养产生合理的认识,也阻碍了初中学生核心素养的发
摘 要:随着新课程改革进度的不断加快,高考数学题的命题形式也从原来的抽象性偏高逐渐向重点考察学生数学基础知识掌握能力和数学核心素养所转变。甚至在很多高考数学题中都出现了以数学故事和数学文化为主题的题目。此外,高考数学题目的难度逐渐变得层次鲜明。鉴于此,本文主要分析新课程标准下的高考数学命题模式,然后在此基础上分析相应的教学对策。  关键词:高考;数学;命题模式;策略  引言:  截至目前,数学新课
摘 要:本文立足于初中物理日常教学的真实情况,从“利用多媒体,提高学生对物理的兴趣”“联系生活实际,拉近学生与物理的距离”“小组合作学习,增强学生的学习自主能力”三个方面出发,对初中物理创新型课堂教学的有效策略展开了分析与探讨。  关键词:初中物理;创新教学;自主学习  初中生处于学习物理的启蒙阶段,是学生打地基的时期,教师要注重对学生物理课堂的有效教学,让学生在有效的课堂里学到有效的物理知识。在