Patient, male, 17 years old, admitted to the hospital for anal squashing for 16 years due to urination. Physical examination: normal development, no penile deformity, normal bilateral testis, chest ankle anus 6 points under the dentate line there is a small hole, urinary urine seep through the hole, with F_ (16) catheter inserted 10cm Export urine. KUB + IVP: Left renal pelvis calyx developed well, no abnormal bladder, right kidney is not developed. Bladder urinary phase contrast: posterior urethral development is poor. Retrograde urethra and urethral retrograde angiography found urethral small, repeated urethra connected to the urethra in the prostate. B-ultrasound: no kidney image of the right kidney area, left kidney normal. Renal chart: the left renal function is normal, upper urinary tract excretion, the right kidney showed a flat curve. Preoperative diagnosis: left kidney, congenital complete urethral deformity. One week after admission, continuous exploration of epidural anesthesia was performed. Intraoperative insertion of F_ (14) catheters and metal probes through the penile urethral orifice were obstructed in the urethral bulb and the bladder was incised. No trabecular cells and right Side of the ureter and lack of left normal, the bladder neck can accommodate small fingertips, no other urethral mouth was found. The urethra outside the mouth of the anus can be inserted into the bladder through the bladder neck through the F_ (16) catheter, and only the bladder fistula is removed. Extubation occurs 10 days after the operation.