Markets routinely count the number of bloody box-office receipts every day. The public and the media are keen on the discussion of popular movies, but few focus on the origin of those topics and numbers - the producer of the film. In the traditional production pattern, we often split into two states: the camp of state-owned groups and the camp of private film production. The former represented China Film and Huaxia, which hold large-value distribution of nuclear weapons in their hands and the other, Huayi, Beaune, the light for the Big Three. About these industries “flagship ”, “big brother ” story has been filled with the major media layout. This issue of thematic planning is to avoid the aura of these topics, focusing on the discovery of new forces in local production, these forces are either the leading filming party for this year’s dark horse film or in the past two years, agitating public opinion boom and sustained force. We hope to find new forces and start new thinking in response to this era of turbulent times.