古人教子,很有借鉴之处,本文介绍三则趣闻,供家长们参考。一、关羽的《诫子书》关羽,人们称他关公,是三国时代蜀汉大将。我们熟知他手提青龙偃月刀,身跨赤兔千里马,驰骋疆场,威风凛凛,有万夫莫当之勇。其实,关羽还很有文采,见高识远,不信请读他的《诫子书》: 读书好,好读书,读好书。总共九个字,只用三个字但其排列次序不同,组成了三个不同的句子,表达了三种不同的的意思: “读书好”,给儿子指出读书是件好事,能增长才智;“好读书”,希望儿子爱好读书,不要弃书贪玩;
The ancients teach children, a lot of reference, this article introduces three anecdotes, for parents reference. First, Guan Yu’s “commandment book” Guan Yu, people call him Guan Gong, Shu Han generals of the Three Kingdoms era. We are familiar with his hand-drawn dragon Yan Yue knife, body across the red rabbit Maxima, gallop battlefield, majestic, there are thousands of martial courage. In fact, Guan Yu is also very literary, see Gao Zhiyuan, do not believe please read his “Commandments book”: reading a good book, good reading, reading a good book. A total of nine words, only three words but in different order of arrangement, formed three different sentences, expressing three different meanings: “reading is good,” pointing to his son that reading is a good thing and can increase his intelligence; “Good reading”, I hope my son likes reading, do not give up playing book fun;