2012年高考英语模拟试卷 (二)

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  一、单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
  1. —Do you think Putin will realize his dream and become president of Russia one day?
  —Well, _________.
  A. only time will tell
  B. every minute counts
  C. time flies
  D. time and tide wait for no man
  2. Driving in rush hour traffic_________be very dangerous, so you_________be too careful.
  A. could; should B. should; ought to
  C. can; can’t D. might; mustn’t
  3. —If I don’t get money from my parents by Sunday, could I borrow some from you?
  —_________. But can I know why?
  A. By no means
  B. By all means
  C. By means of
  D. By some means or other
  4. Matthew was diligent and often stayed up late. _________.
  A. So was Jack B. So did Jack
  C. Nor was Jack D. So it was with Jack
  5. In April, thousands of holiday makers remained abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.
  A. sticking B. stuck
  C. to be stuck D. to have stuck
  6. —The film we saw last night was really a success.
  —Yeah, I had never been to _________.
  A. a better one B. the worst one
  C. the best one D. a worse one
  7. Pleasant music is played_________classes to make students refreshed and relaxed for a while in Nanjing No. 3 Middle School.
  A. between B. among
  C. over D. after
  8. Zhao Benshan,_________overwork_________his health failure, couldn’t perform in the 2012 Spring Festival Gala on CCTV.
  A. which; submitted to B. that; admitted to
  C. whose; contributed to D. who; subscribed to
  9. In_________most countries, a university degree can give you_________flying start in life.
  A. the; a B. the; /
  C. /; / D. /; a
  10. —Is that Dec.21, 2012 is the end of the world true?
  —Of course not, but_________must be paid to the global climate change.
  A. attention B. care
  C. contact D. influence
  11. Seventy percent of the population in the town _________.
  A. is Germen B. are Germen
  C. is Germans D. are Germans
  12. The cost of renting a house in central Nanjing is higher than_________in any other area of the city.
  A. that B. those
  C. it D. one
  13. Among the tall trees_________a farmhouse, in front of which_________an old woman, her hands crossed.
  A. lying; sitting B. standing; does sit
  C. stands; sits D. lies; is sitting
  14. —I wonder why you can always_________the deadline, however much work you have?
  —You know, when the deadline gets _________, that’s when I work at my best.
  A. miss; over B. extend; across
  C. work to; near D. set; up
  15. Those who continuously acquire new knowledge they can_________their work will succeed.
  A. apply to B. submit
  C. correspond to D. contribute to
  二、完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
  It’s easy to be 16 jealous of Sean Anderson’s adventures—even if he is a fictional character in a movie.
  We first saw Anderson explore the 17 of our planet in the 2008 hit movie Journey to the Center of the Earth. The 18 returned in Journey 2: The mysterious Island on February 10. The film is 19 on French writer Jules Verne’s fantasy novel, The Mysterious Island, 20 it also uses elements (元素) from Treasures Island, Gulliver’s Travels and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
  一、1—5 ACBDB 6—10 AACDA 11—15 DACCA
  二、16—20 BACDA 21—25 CADBA
  26—30 CAACD 31—35 DABAD
  三、36—39 ABDB 40—43 CCDD 44—47 ABAD 48—50 CAB
  四、51. remind 52. possession 53. Problems 54. sold 55. demand
  56. Start 57. keep 58. symbolize / represent 59. visit 60. slogan
  五、One possible version:
  Dear editor,
  I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about whether we should know our parents’ income.
  We do have different opinions on this matter. Most of us (about 70%) think we should know our parents’ income since it will help us understand how hard our parents have to work, no matter how much they earn. Then we will study harder and will not waste time and money any more. We may also learn to share our parents’ trouble. We’ll try to help them do some housework and respect them because respect is a good tradition of our country.
  About 30% of my classmates think it unnecessary to let the children know how much their parents earn. If they know their parents have enough money to support the family, they will depend on their parents and don’t study hard since they needn’t worry about the future. It is said that especially when their parents have a higher income, the children will easily form a wasteful habit which does harm to their mind and health.
【摘 要】 种子加工业在现代农业中占有重要地位,作为农业生产中的特殊生产材料,是农业科学技术发挥作用的载体,也是农业增产的内因。在全球三大谷物中,玉米总产量和平均单产均居世界首位,中国的玉米栽培面积和总产量均居世界第三位,现在有将近约世界上三分之一的人口在以玉米作为主要粮食。本文通过对我国玉米种子进行加工的发展现状进行分析,提出了一系列针对玉米种子延长使用寿命和高活力的发展对策。  【关键词】 玉
现在高考对文言文的考查集中在两方面:一是对“语言”的考查,即对实词、虚词的考查;二是对“文意”的考查,包括筛选文中的信息,归纳内容要点,概括中心意思,分析概括作者在文中的观点态度。前者主要是集中在第一道选择题上,后者主要是集中在第二、三道选择题上。那么,怎样来归纳文言文的内容要点,概括中心意思呢?  从高考对文言文考查的选文来看,已经打破了“传记文”一统天下的局面,呈现出百花齐放的态势,有史传类、
【摘 要】 财经类高职院校应本着立足专业特色,注重职业能力培养,结合区域经济和院校长远发展的需要,在与境外高校开展校际之间的合作时,探索围绕财经类专业的有效途径。  【关键词】 高职院校;财经类专业;国际合作  International Cooperation in Economics in Higher Vocational Colleges  Cheng Lin  [Abstract] T
向量与三角将数和形紧密的结合在一起.近几年高考中,向量经常与三角函数进行综合,常以解答题的形式出现,题目新颖,考查向量与三角函数的综合应用,值得同学们注意.以向量为背景,化归为三角函数题这类题目出现的频率较高,题目难度中等,经常考查的知识点有向量的平行与垂直、向量的数量积、线性运算结合三角形中的边角关系进行求解.本文用实例说明如何解决向量与三角的综合应用问题,以期对同学们有所帮助.  一、向量与三
【摘 要】 近年来,伴随着乡村旅游的蓬勃发展,女性多途径、多角色的积极参与旅游创业活动,成为乡村旅游开发的重要主体。乡村女性参与旅游创业,不仅增加了经济收入,也一定程度提升其社会地位、推动乡村发展。研究针对成都市蒲江县明月村外来女性旅游从业人员创业动机进行了研究,通过明月村外来女性进行旅游创业的现状的实证调研,分析影响女性旅游创业的动机因素,对乡村旅游发展中为女性创业提供更好条件提出建议,以促进明
A  目前,席卷全世界的金融危机已演变成经济危机。越来越多的人失业,越来越多的学生虽走出校门却找不到工作。许多工工厂关闭。作为还在学校内就读的你,对此也有很多想法。请你根据以下提示,给美国的笔友写一封信,可以增加个人见解。  内容:1.失业不应一味悲观,失业可以让我们重新思考当初的选择,或重新学习或自  主创业。   2.找不到工作的学生可以更加了解社会的需要,并趁年轻,尽快调整学习方向。  3.
【摘 要】 甘肃省高新技术企业以中小型为主。中小型高新技术企业是创新和成果转化的主力军,其高端化发展受多种因素的影响。通过分析中小型高新技术企业高端化的优劣势,初探甘肃省中小型高新技术企业高端化发展路径。  【关键词】 中小企业;高新技术企业;高端化  1 高端化发展意义  公司的先进发展是现代化工业转型的重要措施,是“结构调整”、“产能削减”和“新技术”的最先进的发展。它有积极的推广效果。在社会
苏州市2009届高三教学调研测试语文现代文阅读题为《亲爱的麦子》,根据学生答题状况,我们发现,我们的学生还有许多可以挖掘的地方,我们还是可以通过把握细节,达到现代文阅读尽量多拿分的目的。  1.不会归纳,找到区间全部照抄。  例如11题,“作者笔下的麦子很美,请根据文意概括其美在何处?”  正确答案:朴素柔和、不事喧哗的本色之美;天、地、人三者合作创造的深刻之美;忧伤色泽和圆满形态的和谐之美。  
一、高考英语单项选择题的特点    单项选择题的特点是考点多,覆盖面广,题量大,潜隐性强。  根据高考英语单项选择题的特点,笔者试提出高考英语单项选择题的五种方法,以求教于专家。    二、高考英语单项选择题解题技巧初探    1.翻译法   在倡导英语课上学生用英语交际,用思考的今天,笔者仍然认为,翻译法是非常行之有效的方法且简单易行,是做单项选择题不可不用的方法。我们的母语毕竟不是英语,英语是
【摘 要】 近几年来,随着人们生活水平的提高,工作压力大,人们开始追求较为朴素但又可以达到放松自我的生活方式。本文采用了广西玉林市五彩田园的调查数据,借助于SPSS21对数据进行二项Logistic 模型分析,探讨休闲农业知识体验与体验带来的满足感两者对旅游行为的影响。实证结果表明,大部分的游客对农业知识感兴趣,由此产生极大的兴趣参加轻松有趣的野趣项目,并愿意继续参与此类以体验休闲农业为主题的旅游