Biographical Narrative is the biography of the biography of the author and its related information available to readers in the text, the core of these messages is a series of events, in the biography is composed of “story ”. [1] What is the classification of what and how narrative is the key factor in determining its success or failure. Biography does not, as a running account, generally record the size of events in the biography of the Lord, but records events that are sufficient to cause a change in the life of the Lord, as well as events sufficient to reveal the character of the Lord. Biographers must be investigated and evidenced, thinking and analyzing, and then we can identify and select these important events from many events to narrate. Not only is Isaacson writing a biography for Steve Jobs, but Wang Yonggang and Zhou Hong [2] and Geoffrey Young and William Simon [3] both made biography of Steve Jobs. They each chose a different material, describes different aspects of Steve Jobs in life, so showing a variety of jobs. These are the jobs Steve Jobs shows in the narrative, but none of the real Steve Jobs history. Biographical novels belong to non-fictional literature, no doubt about the pursuit of authenticity, on the other hand, it has literary color. No literary biography can only be chronological list of events, simple and boring, and uninteresting, it is absolutely impossible to sell well. The literary nature of biographical novels reflects on how the biographers narrate, how to use their creativity, and uses the narrative techniques of novels to rationally lay out and render vividly the life of the protagonists. This article selected in 2011 by the United States Simon and Schuster publishes