We know that integers and fractions are collectively known as rational numbers. That is, all fractions are rational numbers. So all the decimals? Let’s talk about the relationship between fractions and decimals. All fractions can be reduced to decimals, a simplest fraction when the denominator does not contain 2 When the prime factor is other than 5, it must be reduced to a finite decimal number. Otherwise, it can only be converted into an infinite decimal, and it must be a decimal. For example, 17 is converted into a decimal, it must be a decimal, 1 is divided by 7, and at most trades to the decimal point. 7-bit, there will be a “circular”, because the remainder when the divisor is 7 is 1 to 6 (not 0, otherwise the result is a finite decimal). Conversely, can all fractions be converted into fractions? ?