必修五 Unit 4 Making the news

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  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最佳选项。
  In America, May and June are the traditional months for graduations. The most recent student survey showed that just one-fifth of those who___1___jobs before graduation have one by now. This is compared to___2___of students who had looked for a job by this time two years ago.
  Still, NACE found no big___ 3___in graduates who plan to stay in school and avoid the job market. About twenty-seven percent said they plan to go to graduate school, ___4 ___to about twenty-four percent a year ago.
  Engineering and accounting graduates were more___5___ to have started their job search already and to have accepted a job. These are among the best___6___ professions for people with just a college degree. On average, ___7 ___ majors expect to start at about sixty-two thousand dollars a year. Accounting majors expect about forty-five thousand.
  So how can students increase their chances for a job? Mimi Collins at NACE says the most___8 ___tool is a school’s career advising center. Advisers can help students with job applications and preparing for___9___ . They also let students know about job___10 ___and events like job recruitment fairs. They can also help first-year students decide what to study.
  1. A. answered for B. sent for
   C. waited for D. looked for
  2. A. neither B. fewer
   C. half D. none
  3. A. decrease B. change
   C. increase D. mistake
  4. A. linked B. devoted
   C. connected D. compared
  5. A. likely B. hardly
   C. friendly D. lively
  6. A. paid B. cared
   C. applied D. accepted
  7. A. accounting B. engineering
   C. advising D. marketing
  8. A. advanced B. effective
   C. creative D. comparative
  9. A. graduations B. ceremonies
  C. interviews D. receptions
  10. A. opportunitiesB. tricks
   C. differences D. degrees
  A man walking in the night slipped from a rock. ___11___he knew that place was a very deep valley, he took hold of a branch ___12___was hanging over the rock, afraid that he would fall down thousands of feet. In the night all he could see was a___13___ (bottom) abyss(深渊). He shouted, and ___14 ___own shout reflected back-there was nobody to hear.
  You can imagine that man and his whole night of scare. Every moment there was death, his hands___15___ (become) cold, and he was losing his firm hold.and as the sun came out he looked down and he laughed. There was no abyss at all. Just six inches down there was___16 ___rock. He could have rested the whole night, slept well-the rock was big enough- ___17___the whole night was a terrible dream.
  Fear is only six inches deep. Now it is up to you whether you want to go on holding the branch and turn your life into a terrible dream, or ___18___you would love to leave the branch and stand ___19___your feet.
  There is nothing ___ 20___ (fear).
  KAOHSIUNG: The 7-year-old girl Lin Wai-ki had slept in a tent for four nights before being taken to a temporary shelter by helicopters.
  Her hometown, Minzu village, in the mountains of Kaohsiung County in southern Taiwan, was engulfed by mudslides caused by Typhoon Morakot, which has claimed 120 lives so far.“My house is filled with rocks, and the school disappear, but I want to go to school,” she said.
  Morakot, which hit Taiwan since last weekend, has been the worst typhoon in the past 50 years. Small villages in mountain areas in southern Taiwan were hardesthit. A village of Kaohsiung named Hsiaolin reported an estimated 380 deaths. Minzu village lost 30 residents. More than 200 survivors were trapped in the mountain awaiting for help. They were rescued on Thursday afternoon and transferred to a shelter in Cishan township of Kaohsiung County.
  A beautiful brook flowed through Lin’s village but turned to a relentless killer in the rainstorm five days ago. “The brook poured all of a sudden. The mudslide knocked down the primary school at the top of our village,”said Lin Su-yun, a middle-aged woman. “When my family and I crawled out of the second-floor window of my house, the ground floor had already been buried in mud.”
  Her son Chiou Yi-cheng sat by her side, holding her hand tightly. This high school boy shouldered the responsibility of protecting his mother and younger brother in his father’s absence. He also joined other young men in rescuing their fellow villagers.“Without these young men, we were hopeless,” Lin Su-yun said. The survivors hurried up to a highland and camped in tents waiting for rescuers. In search for food, a dozen of young men in the village walked along the roads, and back to their village. They brought back food recovered from accessible houses and stores.
  They encircled children and the elderly when strong winds and rainfall threatened their shabby tents. Of all survivors, only six had cell phones and soon survivors found communication was cut off by the typhoon. It was these young men again who hiked all the way to a nearby village where communication facility still worked.
  One of them, Lin Nien-en, a college freshman, said, “Now, here we are, but nobody has any idea about future. No one wants to get back, because there buried our families and friends...”
  21. Which of the following is NOT true about Typhoon Morakot?
  A. It has been the worst typhoon in the past five decades.
  B. Hsiaolin is one of the villages badly damaged by Morakot.
  C. More than 200 survivors were rescued and transferred
  D. It has caused 120 deaths in all so far.
  22. The underlined word in the fourth paragraph probably means______________.
  A. a village B. a mudslide
  C. a stream D. a rainstorm
  23. Which of the following would be the best headline of the news?
  A. Typhoonhit Taiwan village, destructive but recovering
  B. Mainland in’all-out’effort to help Taiwan typhoon help
  C. Assistance work underway in typhoonhit Kaohsiung
  D. More than 500 feared dead in typhoon
  24. By mentioning the Lin Su-yun’s story , the writer intended to ____________.
  A. show mercy to her family
  B. show the damage caused by Morako
  C. show she was very determined
  D. show she lost her husband
  25. What can be inferred from the news?
  A. All the survivors were the children and the elderly.
  B. All the signals of the cell phones were cut off.
  C. They had nothing to eat for several days.
  D. The young men in the villages are worth praising.
  假定你是李华。在一个英文网络论坛上, 你看到一个名叫Grown-up的中学生发帖(post)寻求帮助:
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  Hi, Grown-up,
文体不限,在近年的高考作文中几为虚设,议论文一统天下;命题形式由开放式的话题转为限制式的标题,但不少考生仍自拟题目;改卷教师将由基础等级获得的感受,移情到发发展等级,成为给高分的依据。这一切,对于2009年高考备考来说,是否给我们不少的警戒与启示?本文对此作了详细的诠释。    1.关于文体。    在语文科科组长柯汉琳教授的《2008年广东高考作文全面总结与分析》中,有一组值得关注的数字,即:考
广州车展,胡歌现身。这位为北京现代领动站台的江左梅郎,制造了本届广州车展最大的传播话题。  口口相传确实有效,北京现代深谙此理。粉丝们为胡歌的亮相尖叫, “麒麟才子,得之,可得天下”,而在此,下一句便是,“北现领动,得之,可天下尽览”。北京现代,这个进入中国13年的韩国品牌,它的天下在哪里?  设计语言与颜值战略  诞生于1967年,现代汽车48年的发展历史远不及奔驰、宝马深厚,在辈分资质格外等级
国网湖南电力大力推进电能替代战略。通过“以电代煤、以电代油、电从远方来、来的是清洁发电”,在16个领域推广了42种替代技术。  湖南长沙普瑞温泉酒店中央空调设备间内,一台台崭新的机器正在有序运作,与其他传统中央空调设备间相比,这里的设备更小巧,也更安静。  这是前不久,记者在湖南采访见到的场景。酒店工程管理总监杨剑宏指着现场正在对空调设备进行检测的工作人员介绍,这都是他们的功劳。他们是国网湖南节能
艺术名家 王世利  中国著名国画家,黄河壶口瀑布绘画创作代表性人物。  1965年生于辽宁,曾就读于中央美术学院国画系,中国美协首届山水画高研班,现为中国美协会员,中外文化艺术促进会理事,中国山水画研究院研究员,北京市美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师。  多年来,王世利曾十余次到吉县壶口实地写生体验生活研究创作了大量的黄河壶口作品,获得了各种奖项。被大量报刊杂志画册多次发表,多次受到美术评论家高度评
改善住房条件、圆“住房梦”,实现安居乐业,是现阶段群众最迫切的期盼。  在2015年12月召开的中央城市工作会议中,习近平总书记指出,力争到2020年基本完成现有城镇棚户区、城中村和危房改造,着力打造智慧城市,建设海绵城市。“十三五”规划建议中也指出,加大城镇棚户区和城乡危房改造力度。  随着我国大规模实施城市、工矿、林区、垦区等各类危旧住房改造工程,亿万居民正陆续告别忧居,圆安居、宜居、优居梦。
合并本科二批、三批有利于消除社会对本三录取的高校毕业生的偏见,推动民办本科院校和独立学院发展,有利于今后高校毕业生平等就业。  高考改革是教育体制改革中的重点领域和关键环节,关系到国家发展大计,关系到每一个家庭的切身利益,关系到千万学子的前途命运。据初步统计,目前,全国已有16省份先后出台了本地区高考改革方案。  尤其在近期,各省份密集出台相关改革方案,内容上,改革招生批次和科目设置是多省份改革的
《普通高中历史课程标准》中提出“通过历史学习,进一步了解中国国情,热爱和继承中华民族的优秀文化传统,弘扬和培育民族精神,激发对祖国历史和文化的自豪感,形成对国家、民族的历史使命感和社会责任感”。在高中历史课教学中,对学生进行家国情怀教育最容易触动学生的心灵,会对学生的人生观、世界观产生重要的影响。而第一手资料的运用会大大助力我们课堂的家国情怀教育。  一、第一手资料助力家国情怀教育的实践   抗日
“历史解释”是高中历史学科五大核心素养之一,通过问题驱动引导学生对历史事件进行理性分析和客观评判,是提升“历史解释”素养的重要途径。笔者以《罗斯福新政》教学为例,从课堂观察入手,在相同的史料和情境下,通过对学生课堂反馈的分析,调整提问策略,在两个平行班中施行,取得了不同的教学效果。下面以其中两个片断为例,问题调整前后分别称之为课例一和课例二。  一、课例一:问题驱动下的结论生成  【问题设计】  
贵州省清镇市卫城镇潘寨村村民聂祥云,从小患小儿麻痹,到30岁才娶上媳妇,去年又生了个女儿,按道理说他的小日子本该是和和美美的,可是自从卫城镇至六级电站的乡村公路开始征地建设以来,他就因为补偿费用和工程质量等问题,不停地四处上访,从清镇市到贵阳市,到省里,一直到国家信访局,光邮寄快递回执的单子就攒了厚厚一沓。  聂祥云说,这次修路占用了他仅有的0.8亩耕地。修路之前,他靠残疾车跑运输还能挣点生活费,