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聚焦西部——中央关于西部大开发的战略引起人们对西部地区人文环境的极大关注。陈醉先生的西部视察随笔,满怀深情写得细致感人,其中有关西部文化(美术、文物)的开发与保护的思考和见解,颇值得一读和引起研究者的兴趣。 面对来势汹汹的全球经济一体化,人类的竞争将空前激烈,未来艺术将会出现怎样的发展趋势,是人们不得不认真思考的问题。有人提出,艺术将必然走向国际化;与此针锋相对的,则是艺术民族化的主张;也有人认为,最要紧的还是强调艺术家的个性和创造性。张幼云先生的论文认为,上述三种意见各有其自身的现实根据,它们之间表面上所具有的冲突,恰恰构成内在的互补性。事实上,谁也不能抹煞对方的合理成份,只是由于我们总是习惯于作出非此即彼的选择,导致各自总想把自己认定的东西看作是唯一的真理。作者认为,只有宽视野、深扎根、重直觉,同时又准确定位,扬己之长,才是艺术家面对挑战争取主动权的明智之策。 在中国美术史上占有重要地位的文人画,由工笔和写意两大部分构成。文人工笔花鸟画在继承宋代院体花鸟画成就的基础上,将院体花鸟画的注重再现客观、注重对象形神的刻画发展为文人花鸟画的注重表现主观、注重作者心性的抒写。刘海青的硕士论文认为,文人工笔花鸟画的基本特征是“工而有意”,具体表 Focus on the West - Central China’s strategy for developing the western region has drawn great attention to the humanistic environment in the western region. Mr. drunken western inspection essay, written with meticulous affection and meticulous touching, of which the western culture (art, cultural relics) development and protection of thinking and opinion, quite worth reading and aroused the interest of researchers. In the face of the raging global economic integration, the competition of mankind will be unprecedentedly intense. What kind of development trend will the art appear in the future? It is a question that people have to think seriously. Some people argue that art will inevitably move towards internationalization. In contrast, it is the idea of ​​art nationalization. Some people think that the most important thing is to emphasize the artist’s personality and creativity. Mr. Zhang Youyun’s thesis holds that the above three opinions each have their own realistic basis and the apparent conflicts between them precisely constitute the inherent complementarities. In fact, no one can deny the reasonable part of the other, simply because we are always accustomed to making choices that lead to the fact that each always wants to see what he identifies as the only truth. The author believes that only a wide field of vision, deep roots, heavy intuition, at the same time accurate positioning, self-advocating, is the artist’s challenge to win the initiative of the wise strategy. Literati painting occupying an important position in the history of fine arts in China consists of two major parts: calligraphy and painting. Based on the achievements of flower and bird paintings in Song dynasty, the literary and art man-made pandas painted on flowers and birds represent the reproduction objective and pays more attention to the portrayal of the object-shaped god and flower as the literati’s flower and bird painting. Liu Haiqing’s master’s thesis that the basic characteristics of the literati pencil painting is “workers and intended”, the specific table
目的 观察尿激酶引流治疗原发性脑室出血的临床疗效。方法 回顾分析 2 5例重型原发性脑室出血病人病史、体检、CT扫描及诊疗经过 ,对其相关资料综合分析、总结。结果 尿激
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目的 :对比观察颈内动脉灌注及静脉滴注降纤酶、罂粟碱治疗急性脑梗死的疗效。方法 :12 6例急性脑梗死病人随机分为A、B两组 ,A组采用颈动脉灌注法 ,B组采用静脉滴注法 ,均用