捕捉文本细节 引领价值回归——也谈语文阅读教学的有效性

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新的语文课程改革的灵魂在于更好地促进学生语文素养的全面形成和综合语文能力的发展,其成败之关键在于把握好“质效”二字,追求和实现语文教学的有效性是语文课堂生存的根本理由。否则,教师即使再努力,课堂即使再精彩,学生的学习依然好比无本之木、无源之水,收益令人担忧,甚至会违背教育的规律,扼杀儿童的天性,阻碍学生的个性发展。这样的课堂教学不要也罢。与其眼睁睁地看着学生的时间白白浪费,倒不如引导学生学会自学,成就自 The soul of the new Chinese curriculum reform is to better promote the students’ overall accomplishment of language literacy and the development of comprehensive Chinese ability. The key to the success or failure of the new Chinese curriculum reform lies in grasping the word “quality”, and the effectiveness of pursuing and realizing Chinese teaching is The fundamental reason for the existence of Chinese class. Otherwise, even if teachers work harder, even if the class is wonderful again, the students still learn like no wood, no water, and the proceeds are worrying. They even violate the laws of education, strangling the nature of children and hindering students’ personality development. This class teaching not worth mentioning. Instead of watching the student’s time wasted, it would be better to guide students to learn self-study, achievement since