On Translation of Names in Hawkes’ The Story of The Stone from the Perspective of Eco—translatology

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  【Abstract】Based on analysis of some practical examples, this article discusses translation of names in Hawkes’ The Story of The Stone from the perspective of Eco-translatology, specifically, three-dimensional transformations.
  【Key words】Eco-translatology; three-dimensional transformations; translation of names
  1. Introduction
  Names are part and parcel of a book. Translation of names in The Story of The Stone is classical. However, Hawkes’ translation of names are not entirely equivalent compared with the original text. This article, therefore, focuses on translation of names in Hawkes’ The Story of The Stone from three-dimensional transformations of Eco-translatology.
  2. A Brief Introduction of Eco-translatology
  Eco-translatology is put forward by Hu Gengshen, who defines translation as translators’ selective adaptation to the translational eco-environment. In Hu’s theory, the translation principle is briefly summarized as multidimensional adaptation and selection, while the translation methods as “three transformations”(i.e., linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions). It is concluded that the best translation is the one with the highest degree of holistic adaptation and selection.
  3. Hawkes’ Translation of Names in The Story of The Stone
  From the perspective of Eco-translatology, translation focuses on the adaptive transformation from linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions.
  3.1 Adaptive Transformation from Linguistic Dimension
  Adaptive selection from linguistic dimension refers to language forms selected by translators. A major feature of translation of names in The Story of The Stone is that for different groups, the translator uses different translation methods. For owners of a high social status, Hawkes uses transliteration which, to some extent, distinguishes them from other characters, such as Jia Zhen, and Xue Baochai. For servants, he adopts Free translation in accordance with their names’ literal meaning. For monks, he borrows words from Latin, Greek and Italian language to bring them mystery, to name just a few, Sapientia, and Vanitas. Hawkes’ adoption of various methods reflects the beauty of the language transformation, which is exactly the result of adaptive selection from linguistic dimension.
  3.2 Adaptive Transformation from Cultural Dimension
  Adaptive selection from cultural dimension means translators should have cultural awareness and pay attention to barriers caused by cultural differences. For example, Lin Daiyu’s personal maid Zijuan, self-esteemed, cares much about her master. Hawkes doesn’t translate Zijuan into Cuckoo, but Nightingale because he realizes Cuckoo means a fool or madman in western culture. In this regard, he abandons the original meaning and selects Nightingale. It is clear that Nightingale is much easier to be accepted than Cuckoo and will do no damage to her image. The purpose of translation is to let readers understand and appreciate the original culture, so as to achieve the purpose of cultural exchange.   3.3 Adaptive Transformation from Communicative Dimension
  Adaptive selection from communicative dimension means translators should be concerned about the communicative intents of the original text. On the communicative dimension, translators play an important role in the communication between the original author and the target readers. For example, Jia Zheng, under normal conditions, is translated literally while in front of servants, Sir Zheng, and Master Zheng in front of juniors. Another example is how Baoyu names Daiyu. When they first meet each other, he calls her “Cousin”;after being familiar, “Cuzzy”;while in front of others, “Cousin Lin”. The above two cases fully embody Hawkes’ adaptive transformation from communicative dimension.
  4. Conclusion
  Translation of names in works is not simple. This article analyzes translation of names in Hawkes’ The Story of The Stone from the perspective of three-dimensional transformations of Eco-translatology. It is concluded that translators, when translating names, should fully consider the multidimensional adaptation. Only in this way can translators truly contribute to the development of translation cause as well as the exchange of Chinese and Western cultures.
【摘要】英语教育的目标不仅仅是为了培养学生的综合语言运用能力,还应体现在促进学生的心智发展,塑造健康的品格方面。  【关键词】核心素养;教学设计;思维品质;学习能力  【作者简介】赵阜,深圳市宝安区教育局第五学区教育办。  英语学科的核心素养包括语言能力、思维品质、文化品格和学习能力四个方面。所谓思维品质是指学生应该具备一定的思考辨析能力,包括分析、推理、概括、正确评判、理性表达思想观点,初步用英
Build upon constructivist belief, constructivist teaching is viewed as a search for meaning, not the right answer, through interactions with peers, and a constructivist teacher then, is expected to sh
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