Molar close to the pharynx, the use of oral radiography in accordance with the law, easily lead to nausea, vomiting and a series of reactions, especially in the mandibular molar project, due to tooth stimulation, resulting in increased salivation, saliva easy to digest a large number of black paper And film adhesions, if not after the projection flushing, the black film on the film is difficult to get rid of, out of the photos can not be used, leading to the failure of the film .Especially there is no dental X-ray machine primary medical units, the use of more Ordinary X-ray machine projection, but can only show one side of the maxillary or mandibular molars in view of the above situation, we put the mandibular lateral projection method to be improved by 300 patients with improved upper and lower jaw molar once cast method , The success rate of 100%, and achieved satisfactory results, the projection methods are introduced below.