教学机智是什么?是教师在教学过程中的一种随机应变的能力,是教师必须具备的一种教学才能和素养。就政治教师而言,这种机智集中表现在下面三个方面。 针对性——这是教学机智的核心和灵魂。善于发现问题,并能迅速准确地抓住问题的本质和要害,进行有针对性的教学,是政治课教学成功的关键之所在,这也就是我们通常所说的有的放矢。而缺乏针对性的政治课教学,犹似盲人骑瞎马,夜半临深池,只能是事与愿违的。
What is teaching wisdom? A teacher’s ability to adapt to the teaching process is a kind of teaching ability and accomplishment that teachers must possess. For political teachers, this wit is concentrated in the following three aspects. Targeted - This is the core and soul of teaching wisdom. Being good at finding problems, and quickly and accurately grasping the nature and key points of the problems, and carrying out targeted teaching are the keys to the success of political teaching. This is what we usually call targeted. However, the lack of targeted political teaching is like riding a blind horse blindly and facing the deep pool at night. It can only be counterproductive.