
来源 :实验教学与仪器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qianjiuzhou
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中小学教育由应试教育向素质教育转轨,是教育领域的一项重大改革,与之相适应的教育思想和教育方法、考试制度也需要改革,为此,我市全面实施了中考加试理化实验操作,促进了学生的素质教育。1 中考加试实验操作是实施素质教育的需要 多年来,由于受应试教育观念的影响,实践教学环节始终得不到重视。由于毕业、升学没有动手能力、实验能力的考试,使实验教学受到冷落,学生动手能力的培养受到忽视,结果造成高分低能现象。我们在调查中发现,有相当一部分初三学生不会正确使用托盘天平称物体的质量,不会正确使用弹簧秤测力,不会用量筒量取一定体积的液体,不会用显微镜观察永久切片。如不克服这种局面,就谈不上素质教育。要实施素质教育,必须重视对学生各方面能力的培养,理科必须坚持以实验为基础组织教学,重视学生动手实验能力的培养。 The transition from exam-oriented education to quality education in primary and secondary education is a major reform in the field of education. The educational ideology, educational methods and examination system that are compatible with it also need to be reformed. To this end, the city has fully implemented the physical and chemical experiment of the entrance exam. The operation promotes the quality education of students. 1 The need for quality education is a requirement for the addition of the experimental operation in the entrance examination of the middle school. Over the years, due to the concept of exam-oriented education, the practical teaching process has not received attention. Due to the lack of hands-on ability and experimental ability tests for graduating and entering a school, the experimental teaching has been neglected and the cultivation of student’s hands-on ability has been neglected, resulting in high scores and low energy. In our investigation, we found that a considerable number of junior high school students will not use the tray balance to determine the quality of the object. They will not use the spring scale to measure the force. They will not use the cylinder to measure a certain volume of liquid, and they will not observe the permanent slice with a microscope. If you do not overcome this situation, you will not be able to talk about quality education. To implement quality education, we must pay attention to the cultivation of students’ abilities in all aspects. Science must adhere to the teaching based on experiments and attach importance to the cultivation of students’ hands-on experimental abilities.
轨道电路是实现电气集中、自动控制及远程控制等现代化铁路运输的重要组成部分,对搞好当前运输和将来全面实现铁路运输自动化都具有十分重要的意义。 但轨道电路短路(俗称连
本文通过具体实例,论述了微元思维方法(如长度微元Δl面积微元ΔS,时间微元Δt,质量微元Δm)的应用。最后归纳总结出用微元思维方法解题的一般思路。 This article discusse
先看下面一些比喻: 例1,“小船活像离开了水皮的一条打跳的梭鱼。”(孙犁《荷花淀》) 例2,“如果你留意一看,接近你的视线的是那闪闪的鳞光,像千万条银鱼在游动。”(碧野《