Outcome following incomplete surgical cytoreduction combined with intraperitoneal chemotherapy for c

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shiqingshuicai
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Cytoreductive surgery combined with intraperitoneal chemotherapy can improve survival in appropriately selected patients with colorectal peritoneal metastases. Outcomes are best in those patients in whom a complete cytoreduction can be achieved. Unresectabledisease is however encountered in approximately one-quarter of patients at laparotomy. The merits, or otherwise, of proceeding with an incomplete cytoreduction in this setting are unclear. We performed a review of published outcomes following incomplete cytoreduction for colorectal peritoneal metastases. Using the electronic databases, Pub Med and MEDLINE, a systematic search of available literature published during the period January 1997 to September 2014 was conducted. Following application of exclusion criteria, 19 papers were identified and included in this review. These comprised fifteen case series, 3 case control studies and one randomised control trial. In the nineteen studies included in this review, 2790 patients underwent cytoreductive surgery with or without intraperitoneal chemotherapy for peritoneal metastases of colorectal origin. Of these, 1732(62%) underwent a complete cytoreduction while 986(35%) patients underwent an incomplete cytoreduction. Median survival in the complete cytoreduction group ranged from 11 to 62 mo while survival in the latter group ranged from 2.4 to 32 mo. Of the 986 patients with an incomplete cytoreduction, 331 patients received intraperitoneal chemotherapy and survival in this cohort ranged from 4.5 to 32 mo. An incomplete cytoreduction, with or without intraperitoneal chemotherapy, does not appear to confer a survival benefit. The limited available data points to a palliative benefit in a subset of patients. In the absence of high quality data, the decision as to whether or not to proceed with surgery should be made on an individual patient basis. Cytoreductive surgery combined with intraperitoneal chemotherapy can improve survival of appropriately selected patients with colorectal peritoneal metastases. Outcomes are best in those patients in whom a complete cytoreduction can be achieved. Unresectable disease is seen in approximately one-quarter of patients at laparotomy. The merits, or otherwise, of proceeding with an incomplete cytoreduction in this setting are unclear. We performed a review of published outcomes following incomplete cytoreduction for colorectal peritoneal metastases. Using the electronic databases, Pub Med and MEDLINE, a systematic search of literature available during the period January 1997 to September 2014 was conducted. Following the application of exclusion criteria, 19 papers were identified and included in this review. These comprised fifteen case series, 3 case control studies and one randomized control trial. In the nineteen studies included in this review, 2790 patients underwen t cytoreductive surgery with or without intraperitoneal chemotherapy for peritoneal metastases of colorectal origin. Of these, 1732 (62%) underwent a complete cytoreduction while 986 (35%) patients underwent an incomplete cytoreduction. Median survival in the complete cytoreduction group ranged from 11 to Of the 986 patients with an incomplete cytoreduction, 331 patients were received intraperitoneal chemotherapy and survival in this cohort ranged from 4.5 to 32 mo. An incomplete cytoreduction, with or without intraperitoneal chemotherapy The not available to confer a survival benefit. The limited available data points to a palliative benefit in a subset of patients. In the absence of high quality data, the decision as to whether or not to proceed with surgery should be made on an individual patient basis.
摘 要:根据国家新课改的内容要求,初中语文教育要在原来的教学基础上,更加注重对学生语言表达能力的培养。初中语文教育不仅要教会学生识文断字,更重要的是对学生学习能力和表达能力的培养。本文就是基于对初中语文教学中学生表达能力提升的探究,分别从学生口语表达能力在初中语文教学中的培养现状开始分析,进而综合学生的学习特点和水平,提出了一系列提升初中语文教学中学生表达能力的基本策略。  关键词:初中语文教学;
师随笔教《纲要》指出: 要改变过于强调接受学习的教学方式,而要倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究, 培养学生收集处理信息的能力, 获取新知识的能力以及交流与合作的能力。针对不同的学习内容, 选择不同的学习方式。对此, 本人就在教学中的一点体会谈谈自己的看法:  一、创设生动的教学情境, 让学生在乐趣中学习  “兴趣是最好的老师”。学生有了兴趣, 才会产生强烈的求知欲, 主动地进行学习。我在语文课堂教学中,
摘 要:关于语文教学内容的选择与确定是语文学科的独有特点之一。这种学科特点中规定教学内容选择、确定可不是“我愿教什么就教什么,我想教什么就教什么”的问题。文章基于小学语文教学实际教学经验,选取部分教学案例,教师可以借助“单元导读”以确定单元教学内容,也可以借助每课的“研讨与练习”或者“课前导学”来确定某一课文的教学内容。  关键词:小学语文;教学内容;选择与确定  一、 引言  新课程背景下的语文
摘 要:北师大版小学数学三年级上册教材中的“可能性”内容与学生在初、高中阶段所要接触的概率知识之间存在着一定的联系。在课堂教学中,教师需要指导学生依据自己的亲身经历,对生活现象进行判断,进而对他们的逻辑推理能力进行强化。本文主要从“可能性”教学中存在的问题入手,对以“摸球游戏”为核心的“可能性”教案设计问题进行了探究。  关键词:可能性;摸球游戏;数学课堂教学  一、 前言  小学数学教材中的“可
摘 要:本文研究一元五次方程求实根的方法。若五次方程有一個有理根,则通过最高次项系数和常数项的因子之商可找出全部有理根,进而可求出所有解;若无有理根,则采用二分法可求出其中一个实根的近似值。  关键词:一元五次方程;实根;有理根;二分法
摘 要:高中数学定理或其它知识具有深奥的特征,并且表现形式多样,在实际解题过程中,学生可以利用多种方式解答同一题目。数学学科本身存在复杂性与整体性,在解题过程中往往存在大量的问题,基于此,作者结合自身的知识与学习经验,对高中数学“一题多解”的学习心得进行分析研究,以供人员参考。  关键词:高中数学;学科;一题多解  一、 引言  高中数学与小学和初中相比,难度有所提升,涉及相关的数学定理和公式也更
摘 要:对于初中数学教学中问题导学法的应用,提出了教学过程中易出现的问题,并在实施过程中提出解决问题所把握的原则及教学步骤,有利于提升学生的逻辑思维能力和创新能力。  关键词:问题导学法;初中数学;教学应用  在新教育形势的当下,我们教师都在努力尝试各种教法,以求提高课堂效率。问题导学法作为一种引导学生自觉求知的一种方法,受到了我们一线教师的重视,尤其是在初中数学教学中广泛推广。但也出现了一系列的