本文回顾调查全国部分地区结核病死亡病例的耐药情况。34个结防院所在1965、1975和1985三个年度中,因结核病死亡的3 248例中,有230例(7%)做过耐药检查,结果:耐药率(%)平均为93.8,其中原发耐药率为17.8,继发耐药率为75.9,三个年度耐药率分别为96.8,94.5和90.0。原发耐药分别为21.8、16.2和15.5;继发耐药分别为75.0,78.3和74.5。三个年度变化不明显。原发及继发耐药东北地区较中南地区高6.5
This article reviews the survey of drug-resistant cases of death from tuberculosis in parts of the country. Among 34 248 deaths from 34 TB hospitals in 2302 (7%) of the 3 248 deaths from drug resistance tests, the drug resistance rate (%) averaged 93.8, The primary resistance rate was 17.8 and the secondary resistance rate was 75.9. The three annual resistance rates were 96.8, 94.5 and 90.0 respectively. Primary resistance were 21.8, 16.2 and 15.5 respectively; secondary resistance was 75.0, 78.3 and 74.5 respectively. Three annual changes are not obvious. Primary and Secondary Drug Resistant Northeast China Higher than 6.5 in Central China