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涡轮增压已成为大功率柴油机发展的主要技术措施。在向高增压的发展进程中,曾遇到了机械负荷及热负荷过高、运转性能变差等新的技术问题,亟需从理论上加以概括,用以指导当前的研究并对今后的发展给予科学的预测。本文将柴油机与涡轮增压器这两种具有不同流量特性和效率特性的机械作为一个整体系统来看待,考察在联合运行中两者的相互作用和制约关系,特别是当工况变化时所产生的影响,从改善性能的角度出发探讨系统的优化和主要参数的优化,利用涡轮增压器及柴油机系统中的若干可调节的环节来实现能量的合理分配,提出利用现代控制技术把传统的单参数控制改变为多元控制,以进一步提高柴油机的经济性和可靠性。 Turbocharging has become a major technical measure for the development of high-power diesel engines. In the course of the development of high-pressure boosting, new technical problems such as mechanical load, excessive heat load and poor running performance have been encountered, which urgently need to be summarized theoretically in order to guide the current research and provide suggestions for the future development Give scientific predictions. In this paper, the two kinds of diesel engines and turbochargers with different flow characteristics and efficiency characteristics of the machine as a whole system to look at in the joint operation of the interaction and constraints between the two, especially when the conditions change From the perspective of improving the performance, the optimization of the system and the optimization of the main parameters are discussed. Several adjustable steps in the turbocharger and the diesel engine system are used to realize the rational distribution of energy. It is proposed to use the modern control technology to convert the traditional single The parameter control is changed to multiple control to further improve the economy and reliability of the diesel engine.
《中学生数学》2007年11月上(总第333期)一文“涉及函数f(x—1)与f~(-1)(x—1)的高考题随想”中“结论1函数f(x+a)与f~(-1)(x+a)不是互为反函数”这一说法欠妥,理由如下: “
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