Sealed off as a Break from Daily Routine

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chasel
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  【Abstract】The setting of the story “Sealed Off”, written by Zhang Ailing, is Shanghai during the 1940s. During the sealed-off period, both Cuiyuan and Zongzhen have the opportunity to step out of their normal societal roles. This special time enables both of them to take a break from their daily routine, but they use this time differently.
  【Key Words】Sealed off; Zhang Ailing
  Cuiyuan and Zongzhen meet each other in a tram car when the city is sealed because of an air raid. This state allows for the occurrence of things that would not happen under normal circumstances. Cuiyuan, who thinks critically about her career, her family, and herself, struggles to break free from societal limitations, while Zongzhen enjoys temporary comforts and contents himself with the realities of society.
  Cuiyuan faces limitations to her own behaviors and thoughts because of society’s expectations of how women ought to think and act. She follows her parents’ instructions and studies hard as a student. She holds herself to high moral standards. Cuiyuan limits herself by meeting the societal expectations set for her.
  Cuiyuan also faces limitations because of the societal expectation that woman must marry. Her parents’ wanting a rich husband for her implies that they would rather her husband support the whole family than Cuiyuan pursuing her own career. Despite some improvement of women’s social status at that time, society still expected women to rely upon their husbands.
  Cuiyuan faces discrimination in her job on the basis of her gender and does not receive the same respect that male teachers receive. Even though Cuiyuan is a well-educated woman, her students doubt her ability and question her authority. Despite the fact that she performs her job just as well as her male counterparts, Cuiyuan struggles with simply keeping her students in line. In short, society views education as a way for women to better understand and communicate rather than a means to enable women to pursue their own ambitions.
  While women face myriad limitations to their life choices because of societal pressures and expectations, Zongzhen faces a different set of limitations as a man. Society forces Zongzhen to live a boring and monotonous life as the head of a household. Zongzhen has no choice but to repeat his everyday life to support his family rather than pursuing his personal interests and goals. Despite the fact that he does not enjoy what he is doing, he does it without thinking too much because it is what society expects a man to do.
【摘要】本文将思维导图融入到高中英语文本解读中,并从语篇体裁解读,语篇结构解读,语篇语境解读和语篇语言解读四个维度上,结合教学案例,思考思维导图的运用效果。思维导图在高中英语阅读教学起着非常重要的作用,提高教师自身文本解读能力,并对于学生阅读只是结构构建是非常有效。  【关键词】思维导图 高中英语 文本解读  一、引言  《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》(教育部2003)指出,根据高中学生认知能力
【摘要】在新课程理念下,初中英语阅读教学在整个英语教学过程中起着越来越重要的作用,因为英语阅读能力的提升对于学生的英语听力能力、口语表达能力、写作能力等都有重要的促进作用,所以说,教师要积极采取多种教学策略,来有效提升学生的英语阅读能力。基于此,笔者将结合具体的教学案例,就新课程理念下如何有效开展初中英语阅读教学进行简要论述。  【关键词】新课程理念;初中英语;阅读  【作者簡介】韩斐,淄博市育才
【Abstract】This paper,through the introduction and analysis of the protagonist Tess’s characteristics in Tess of the D’Urbervilles—revolt and purity,reflects Thomas Hardy’s feminism.  【Key words】Thomas
【摘要】本文以亲身实践为依据,从艺术类学生的角度出发,分析了艺术类学生的大学英语教学方法现状,提出了艺术学生在大学英语教育所存在的问题,并针对艺术类学生的特点与现状提出了合适的教学方法进行探索,最终达到促进大学英语教学整体水平的目的。  【关键词】艺术类学生 大学英语教学 教学方法 教学模式  艺术类的学生总觉得自己在大学里是特殊的群体,因为他们认为自己与别人与众不同,有时会给学生和老师一种傲慢的
【摘要】本文主要从跨文化交际能力的内涵入手,分析了英语专业教学中跨文化交際的作用;从教学理念、课程设置与教材选用、课外实践平台、考核与评价方式四大角度分析了如何构建相对科学、合理的大学英语跨文化交际教学模式。  【关键词】英语;跨文化交际;教学模式;构建  【作者简介】何伟欣,广东外语外贸大学南国商学院。  一、英语专业教学中跨文化交际的作用  跨文化交际能力指的是个体在不同文化情景中灵活地运用非
【摘要】乔治·斯坦纳的阐释学翻译理论为研究散文英译过程提供了新的视角。通过该理论分析张培基英译郭沫若散文的过程中,如何通过信赖、侵入、吸收、补偿四步骤来发挥译者主体性,在准确传达原文意义的同时再现原文风格,保持原文与译文之间的平衡。  【关键词】阐释学;翻译四步骤;译者主体性;散文英译  【作者简介】许娟娟,湘潭大学外国语学院。  一、引言  郭沫若的散文多以独特而优美的语言来记述生活,表达真情实