Effect of suction change on water content and total volume of an expansive clay

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science A:An International Ap | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nengding
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A laboratory study was carried out on both natural and compacted specimens to investigate the complex soil-water interaction in an unsaturated expansive clay. The laboratory study includes the measurement of soil-water characteristic curves, 1D free swelling tests, measurement of swelling pressure and shrinkage tests. The test results revealed that the air-entry value of the natural specimen was quite low due to cracks and fissures present. The hydraulic hysteresis of the natural specimen was relatively insignificant as compared with the compacted specimen. Within a suction range 0 to 500 kPa, a bilinear relationship between free swelling strain (or swelling pressure) and initial soil suction was observed for both the natural and compacted specimens. As a result of over-consolidation and secondary structures such as cementation and cracks, the natural specimens exhibited significant lower swelling (or swelling pressure) than the compacted specimen. The change of matric suction exerts a more significant effect on the water phase than on the soil skeleton for this expansive clay. A laboratory study was carried out on both natural and compacted specimens to investigate the complex soil-water interaction in an unsaturated expansive clay. The laboratory study includes the measurement of soil-water characteristic curves, 1D free swelling tests, measurement of swelling pressure and shrinkage tests. The test results revealed that the air-entry value of the natural specimen was quite low due to cracks and fissures present. The hydraulic hysteresis of the natural specimen was relatively insignificant as compared with the compacted specimen. Within a suction range 0 to 500 kPa, a bilinear relationship between free swelling strain (or swelling pressure) and initial soil suction was observed for both the natural and compacted specimens. swelling (or swelling pressure) than the compacted specimen. The change of matric suction exerts a more significant effect on the water phase than on the soil skeleton for this expansive clay.
原题回放:  草原怀想  鲍尔吉·原野  (1)谁有过这样的经历呢?  (2)站在草原上,你勉力前眺,或回头都是一样的风景:辽远而苍茫。人难免为这种辽远而惊慌。  (3)在都市里生活,或是寻访名山以及赏玩江南园林的人,都习惯于这样的观察:眼光的每一个投射处,都有新景物可观。景随步移。  (4)然而草原没有。  (5)蒙古牧人前瞻的时候,总是眯着眼睛。他们并非欲看清楚天地间哪一样东西,而是想在眼里装
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