1.用2%尿素、1%碳铵喷洒,每星期喷1次,连喷2~3次,不仅有叶面施肥作用,而且对红蜘蛛、蚜虫、蓟马等害虫具有触杀、熏蒸作用,防治效果达80%~90%;用0.5%~1%尿素,加0.2%~0.25%洗衣粉或0.1%敌敌畏、辛硫磷喷洒,对红蜘蛛、蚜虫、菜青虫等防效在90%以上。 2.用0.1%高锰酸钾浸种24小时,或0.3%高锰酸钾溶液在病始发期开始喷治,每周喷洒1次,连喷2~3次,可防治水稻稻瘟病、纹枯病、白叶枯病。用高锰酸钾500~800
1. Spray with 2% urea and 1% ammonium bicarbonate, spraying once a week, spraying even 2-3 times, not only foliar fertilization but also touch and fumigation on red spider, aphid, thrips and other pests. The control effect reaches 80% -90%. The control effect on spider mite, aphid, cabbage worm and the like is over 90% with 0.5% -1% urea, 0.2% -0.25% detergent or 0.1% dichlorvos and phoxim, . 2. With 0.1% potassium permanganate soaking for 24 hours, or 0.3% potassium permanganate solution at the onset of the disease began to spray, spraying once a week, and even spray 2 or 3 times, can control rice blast, grain Blight, bacterial blight. With potassium permanganate 500 ~ 800