Cytogenetic Mechanism for the Aneuploidy and Mosaicism Found in Tetraploid Pacific Oyster Crassostre

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a5477011266
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Chromosome constitution was investigated in adult tetraploid Pacific oyster produced by blocking the first polar body of triploid eggs which were fertilized with haploid sperms. A high incidence of aneuploid and heteroploid mosaics were found among the offspring. Of 20 individuals identified, only 9(45%) were eutetraploid which contained 40 chromosomes; 2(10%) were aneuploid(hypotetraploid), which contained 39 and 38 chromosomes, respectively; and 9(45%) were heteroploid mosaics. One mosaic was consisted of cells containing 40 and 39 chromosomes, respectiovely(1:1 in cell number), while the other 8 were consisted of cells containing chromosomes varying between tetraploid and triploid. It was also interesting to note that 3 mosaics even contained some diploid cells with 20 chromosomes. A certain number of cells of 2 tetraploids and 8 mosaics spread with 32-37 well-scattered and some clumped chromosomes at metaphase. The percentage of aneuploid cells with chromosomes varying between triploid and tetraploid correlated significantly with that of heteroploid mosaics cells with clumping chromosomes(P<0.05). Our findings suggested that reversion existed in both tetraploid and triploid oyster and chromosome clumping may underline the chromosome elimination in tetraploid oyster. It seems that the reversing cells, at least some of them, continuously eliminate their chromosomes until the most stable diploid state is established. Chromosome constitution was investigated in adult tetraploid Pacific oyster produced by blocking the first polar body of triploid eggs which were fertilized with haploid sperms. A high incidence of aneuploid and heteroploid mosaics were found among the offspring. Of 20 individuals identified, only 9 (45% ) were eutetraploid which contained 40 chromosomes; 2 (10%) were aneuploid (hypotetraploid), which contained 39 and 38 chromosomes, respectively; and 9 (45%) were heteroploid mosaics. One mosaic was consisted of cells containing 40 and 39 chromosomes, respectiovely (1: 1 in cell number), while the other 8 were consisted of cells containing chromosomes varying between tetraploid and triploid. It was also interesting to note that 3 mosaics yet contained some diploid cells with 20 chromosomes. A certain number of cells of 2 tetraploids and 8 mosaics spread with 32-37 well-scattered and some clumped chromosomes at metaphase. The percentage of aneuploid cells with chromosomes varying between trip loid and tetraploid correlated significantly with that of heteroploid mosaics cells with clumping chromosomes (P <0.05). Our findings suggested that reversion existed in both tetraploid and triploid oyster and chromosome clumping may underline the chromosome elimination in tetraploid oyster. It seems that the reversing cells , at least some of them, continuously eliminate their chromosomes until the most stable diploid state is established.
【摘要】本文首先介绍了探究式教学在中职院校数学教学中的研究背景、必要性及意义,紧接着对我国中职院校数学教学的现状进行了调查研究,最后数学教学中引入探究式教学提供的建议和对策。旨在提高我国中职院校数学探究式教学水平,用新方式提高学生的学习积极性和学校效率,提高教育质量,为社会输送合格的高级技术人才。  【关键词】中等职业学校 数学教学 探究式教学 应用  【中图分类号】G633.6【文献标识码】A
【摘要】研究了数学分析、高等数学等课程中的研究性教学。分析了实施研究性教学的必要。以函数的凸性为例,介绍了如何引入、组织研究性教学。  【关键词】数学分析 高等数学 研究性教学 凸函数  【基金项目】怀化学院教学改革研究项目(项目编号:201123)。  【中图分类号】O13【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)03-0161-01  研究性教学是以“问题”为中心,以培养学生
闺中密友过生日,她十八我十七。那时上高三,我们都住校。两个人偷着跑出来,找了家小酒馆,要了鱼香肉丝、花生米、凉拌黄瓜。小酒馆里生着炉子,很呛人,可我们不觉得。  那是个很冷的冬天,她说:“要不,要点酒吧?”  “中,”我说,“要点酒。”  我装作很老练的样子,叫道:“店小二,上酒上酒。”  要了最便宜的红星二锅头,一口下去,辣,差点吐了。咳嗽几声,两个人都笑了,还是接着喝。  辣也喝,因为觉得与众