The brief history of English learning in China

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  【Abstract】 English learning is popular in China, many kids go to language schools for it. English learning is important, at the same time, Chinese learning is very important too.
  【Key words】 history;English learning
  【作者简介】 史伟,王丽峰,河南工业大学外语学院。
  1. Introduction
  According to the newest report from the Global Language Surveillance Organization, English is experiencing a transformation that has never had in English history. English is one of the main international general-purpose languages in the world and China. Most international conferences take English as the first general purpose language. English is one of United Nation’s official working languages.
  2.The history of English learning in China
  In Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, there were two significant diplomacy-events, one event is that Zhang Qian went to the west, after learning English language; he widely propagated English in China, for example, “grape”, “eggplant”, “pomegranate”, “carrot” and so on(Xuhan, 2005). In A.D. 7 centuries, Tang Xuanzang went to western paradise for learning scriptures; he learned and took much Buddhist knowledge. Many English words also appeared in China, such as “Buddha”, “Monk”, “Goddess of Mercy”, “Tower”, and “Hell” and so on, most were assimilated by Chinese language, and they gradually became the basic vocabularies of Chinese language. It is between the late Qing Dynasty and May Fourth New Culture Movement. At this period, English achieved two great high peaks in Chinese language culture and Chinese literature interpretation. The first peak occurred in the first ten years of 20th century, there were numerous English works, especially a great many of English novels were translated into Chinese; the second peak took place in the late ten years of May Fourth New Culture Movement, many Chinese translators and writers began to be engaged in foreign literature, especially, they absorb nutrition from foreign literature works, so as to redevelop Chinese culture, enrich Chinese language, and reform society. Their translation also promoted the development of Chinese free verse, prose poetry, short story and so on, which to some extent enriched Chinese language culture. It is not exaggerated that the translation of Bible not only enriched the vocabularies, but also greatly promoted the development of Chinese language culture; this is the influence of Bible to Chinese language, also the influence of English language to Chinese language. At the time of Jiaqing Thirty- two year in Ming Dynasty, the first group of Portuguese arrived in China, for the need of life and business, they had to contact with Chinese, however, because of the differences between Chinese and Portuguese, they had to communicate by the tool of Chinese--Western language. Since the twenty years of Reform and Open policy, the effect of English on Chinese is unprecedented and obvious to all. The coming of information times and high frequency has made English language be a general language all over the world, English has also been the main working language in all kinds of international communication, besides, it is the key language of international Sci
【摘要】随着信息网络时代,信息和知识不断的更新。因此思维导图作为一种直观形象的思考表达方式,将有助于提高学生的记忆力,增强阅读效果及丰富内容。因此在初中英语教学环节中思维导图作为教学工具,将在英语教学词汇、阅读、时代及写作教学环节应用进行分析,做出有效的指导。  【关键词】初中英语;教学环节;思维导图;应用分析  【作者简介】郑艳红,湖北省潜江市积玉口镇初级中学。  初中英语教学在新课标的要求下会
【摘要】英语课程是教育体系中重要的教学部分,随着我国国际化发展的逐渐深入,英语在国际交流中也愈发重要,因此,为了适应国际化发展的需求,就需要做好英语教育工作。新课标下,对“六要素”整合的英语学习活动观落实提出了一定的要求,旨在提升学生对英语的学用能力。  【关键词】“六要素”整合;英语教育;学习活动观  【作者简介】李敏(1976.09-),女,汉族,江苏徐州人,徐州市开发区中学,本科。  前言 
【摘要】诗歌有其独特的节奏,韵律与意象,因此,这使得诗歌翻译不同于其他文体的翻译。翻译界对于诗歌翻译的准则有一个共识,那就是“诗人译诗”,即诗歌应当由诗人来翻译最好。本文拟从诗学角度分析顾子欣和曹明伦The road not taken两译本,通过比较他们在几个主要的诗学元素,包括押韵,节奏和意象上的处理方式,看出他们各自译本的优势和不足,以期对我们今后诗歌翻译有所启发。  【关键词】顾子欣;曹明
【摘要】“微课”是一种传播媒介,用于高校英语教学中,信息以视频的方式传播,让学生对英语知识产生直观的印象。“微课”使整个高校外语教学被激活,不仅可以促使学生对英语学习产生浓厚的兴趣,而且还能获得良好的教学效果。本论文针对“微课”在高校外语教学中的应用展开研究。  【关键词】高校英语教学;“微课”; 应用  【作者简介】葛钊(1974.2- ),女,汉族,河南安阳人,河南财政金融学院讲师,研究方向:
【摘要】翻转课堂作为已得到大规模教学实践验证和先进信息技术支持的教学新方法新路线,完全可以在研究生英语课堂教学中展开实际应用和推广。研究生公共英语翻转课堂的教师应把翻转课堂视作自身发展的契机,需要带领学生了解翻转课堂,要做到将课程资源和学习者的背景结合来设计教学,良好把控课堂组织和时间分配以及全面提升自身的专业素养,学术视野和批判思维。  【关键词】研究生公共英语翻转课堂;教学设计;教师发展  【
【摘要】一直以来,英文写作作为各类英语考试中的重要模块,在大学英语教学大纲中占据重要的位置。部分学生在英文写作,尤其是英文议论文写作中存在“提笔难、构思难、行文更难”的问题。本文旨在通过基于过程法的英语议论文写作框架教学,以大学本科在校生为实验对象,观察写作框架教学对于英语写作水平及效率提升的影响。  【关键词】过程法;大学英语写作;教学研究  【作者简介】陈雪洁(1989年12月-),女,天津人
【摘要】随着新课程改革的稳步进行,初中教学应当更加关注学生的全面发展。为了应对当前社会纷繁复杂的思想潮流,学校应当特别重视对学生进行德育教育,引导学生健康成长,形成正确的人生观和价值观,抵御社会中的不良因素影响。在初中英语教材中,存在许多的课文与会话材料,教师可以积极利用这些内容开展德育教育,在增强学生英语能力的同时,也可以提升学生的思想道德水平。  【关键词】初中英语;德育;英语教学  【作者简
【摘要】小说《追风筝的人》是作家卡勒德·胡塞尼的代表作之一。本文基于耶夫·维索尔伦的语境顺应理论,从心理世界,社交世界和物理世界三个维度来简析小说中的典型人物对话,以期证明顺应理论用于分析文本对话是行之有效的,并且也为赏析小说提供了新的视角。  【关键词】语境顺应轮;对话;《追風筝的人》  【作者简介】郑天洋(1993.1- ),女,汉,黑龙江密山人,哈尔滨师范大学2015级硕士研究生,院系:西语
【摘要】阅读是获取信息,拓展视野,扩大知识面最直接、最有效的途径之一,是有效发展学生综合语言运用能力的必要手段。将信息技术运用于小学英语阅读教学,能丰富教学形式,优化教学过程,提高学生的阅读能力。本文根据笔者的教学实践,提出几点运用信息技术有效开展小学英语阅读教学的可行性建议。  【关键词】小学英语;阅读教学;信息技术  【作者简介】林素芳,广东省清远市师范学校附属小学。  一、引言  阅读,是人