一 中国进入近代以前,封建社会的“上古遗风”笼罩着中国并反映着中国社会的风貌。社会习俗中礼仪制度、婚丧嫁娶、宗教迷信的观念、程序、方式都被认为是天经地义的。即便是奴婢娼妾、缠足阉割、盗赌殴嫖等恶习中包含着何等程度的残酷、迂腐和野蛮,却不能普遍受到国人的憎恨和诅咒。这些习俗一直延袭在中国传统社会当中。中国步入近代以后,才有人开始认识之熟视无睹的弊习陋俗,有人开始去碰这凝滞、沉重而又年长的旧俗,它随之开始摆动,开始摇撼。 进入二十世纪后,先进的中国人于民族危亡的阵痛中再次醒悟,他们认为“时势变迁,人情移易,古法虽精,恐不合于今世,况未必能垂之久远而无弊也”。他们批判旧制,背逆传统,在十九世纪下半叶社会习俗变化的基础上,又一次向旧习俗挑战,主张兴女学、戒缠足、变婚姻、反迷信、禁吸
Before China entered the modern age, the “ancient legacy” of the feudal society was shrouded in China and reflected the style of Chinese society. Social conventions in the ritual system, marriage and funeral marriage, religious superstition of ideas, procedures, methods are considered to be perfectly justified. Even to the extent of cruelty, pedantry and brutality contained in such abuses as slavery, prostitution, gambling, prostitution and prostitution, they can not generally be hated and cursed by their own people. These practices have been traced to traditional Chinese society. After China entered the modern era, people began to understand the neglect of vulgar customs. Someone started to touch this stagnant, heavy and old customs, and it began to swing and began to shake. After entering the twentieth century, the advanced Chinese people once again wake up from the pain of national crisis. They think that “the changes of the times and the changes of human nature make the ancient laws not so good but they may not last long without any disadvantages.” On the basis of changes in social customs in the second half of the 19th century, they challenged the old customs once again, advocated Xingyue studies, banned and changed their marriage, anti-superstition and no smoking