The Effectiveness of Teaching Senior Middle School Students English reading Skills by Using CALL

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  Reading takes significant part in senior high school’s classroom. Teachers spend long time to teach students some strategies to improve reading skills. Now students’ reading comprehension in senior high school is far from satisfaction even if many teachers put more time and effort on reading. Our classes’ size is big, totality of students is over forty in every class, English learners have different standard, and it’s so tough for teachers to satisfy the students’ different needs and proficiency. Many researchers would agree that if learners cannot comprehensive what they are reading, they are not likely to learn much of the language. (Brown, 2013).English language reading is embedded in English-speaking countries’cultures. The readers who lack of cultural knowledge of English-speaking countries may misunderstand the real meanings if they comprehend the meanings relate to their own cultural and social background. In summary, there are many obstacles that impede the improvement of students’reading abilities. Using multimedia as a tool to motivate students to read more, it is teachers’ responsible to use modern tool to meet student’s needs, CALL activities make it easy to find texts that at appropriate level of difficulty, that cover topics of interest to learners, and that include tasks that engage learners(Chun, 2006).
  This paper applies CALL into senior high school’s reading classes. Through some theories support it in order to improve class efficiency, letting students have more motivation to read and learn well. Students have their own individuality, actively. The research and application of CALL is varied in abroad. But it seldom applied in china’s classes, as an excellent teacher, we should put our effort to the evaluation of English course, carrying out quality education. CALL can make more influence on China’s English language teaching in the future, providing more materials for teachers.
  According to Mentzelou(1996)writes Computer assisted learning and reading and language software. The question that occupies the education al community of the elementary school is based on how to use computers in order to assist during early stages of reading the ‘weak students’ or the students who don’t have the school language (Greek) as their first language. Lomicka’s (1997) study aimed to explore how multimedia annotations influence the level of comprehension. Twelve college students enrolled in a second semester French course were instructed to think aloud during the reading of text on the computer screen. Participants read the text under one of three conditions: full glossing, limited glossing, or no glossing. In 2005, Sakar and Ercetin write the paper of Effectiveness of hypermedia annotations for foreign language reading. This study first explores intermediate-level English learners’ preferences for hypermedia annotations while they are engaged in reading a hypermedia text, second it examines whether multimedia annotations facilitate reading comprehension in the second language.   Teachers can use CALL reading activities to improve the process of language development through explicit emphasis on linguistic features of texts, offering learners new form communication, providing instructions and evaluation, and helping them to develop their strategies for working with the passages. CALL has the potential to add significant to the quality of the time that learners spend reading in English. Learner will have the opportunity to expand their reading strategies through the foundation of electronic reading skills that they have learned in class. The author hope the school can change the idea of education, improving the capacity of performing CALL. Teachers need student’s feedback of the students, in the teaching and learning process, learner is the center, and teachers could intrigue the interest of the students, interacting with the students. The author suggests schools should perfect teaching facilities, providing more teaching materials relate to its facilities. The reform of reading method in computer mode has advantages. It makes the teaching advanced, and features are vividly. Students have the ability to build the foundation. Computer-assisted English reading teaching has broken the traditional one, it uses network, combine with training, help students to self-study, and it provides many materials to guarantee the input of reading training.
【摘要】词汇作为语言的基本组成单位,是语言不可或缺的构建基石。所以,学生对词汇的掌握程度是衡量学生是否掌握一门语言的关键。在英语教学中,词汇的学习通常是重中之重,然而,目前我国的高中生在英语词汇的学习和掌握上不容乐观,老师在提高学生对词汇学习的效率道路上任重道远,这也形成新课程背景下的高中英语的一个难题。  【关键词】高中英语;词汇教学;多形式教学  【作者简介】黄兰英,广西省宾阳县高级中学。  
【摘要】词汇的学习是高中英语中很重要的一部分,对于学生的阅读能力和写作能力有很大的影响,听说能力也需要掌握很多的词汇。所以高中英语老师要做好词汇的教学工作。传统的英语教学不重视词汇的记忆方法,学生们常常采取强制记忆的手段,收效甚微。高中英语老师要创新合适的教学方法,提升自己的專业知识与教学能力,引领学生简单便捷富有趣味性的记忆词汇,创造高效的词汇学习课堂,为学生们的英语学习打好基础。  【关键词】
一、引言  还原学生真实的阅读过程是阅读教学的重要任务。学生在老师的引领下,对阅读材料进行理解,运用和反思, 从而思维品质得到了发展,阅读水平得到提高。在当今的高中英语阅读课堂上,学生阅读时间少,对文本的理解浮于表面,无法得到真实的阅读体验,这种情况亟待改善。  近年来,我国的英语教学界对文本解读和学生的阅读体验越来越重视。葛炳芳认为:我们教师不应把阅读课完全变成问答课,教师应该关注前期的课堂铺垫
【摘要】有声思维法最早是心理学的主要研究方法之一,后来被应用到诸多学科的研究中,外语教学研究也采用了有声思维法来记录和描述学生的认知过程。对有声思维法在商务英语听力的策略研究中的应用的探析可以从崭新的角度解释与认识听力策略的选取与应用,对认知过程的描述和教学法的改进有积极的促进作用。  【关键词】有声思维法;商务英语听力;听力策略  【作者简介】翟曼(1989-),吉林四平人,吉林工商学院外国语学
【摘要】在国家大力倡导开展创新创业教育的大背景下,高职公共英语课程改革与建设应与创新创业教育有机融合。通过分析创新创业教育与高职公共英语课程改革融合的现状,总结以创新创业为导向的高职公共英语课程改革与建设过程中存在的问题与不足,为后期寻找有效的改革对策和实施途径做好前期准备。  【关键词】高职公共英语;创新创业;课程改革与建设  【作者简介】刘亭亭(1986- ),女,吉林交通职业技术学院,讲师,
【摘要】近几年由于高等教育体制的不断改革,中外合作办学模式--国际本科学术互认课程(ISEC)受到了学术界高度重视和广泛关注。该教学以趣味性互动、过程性评价、主观能动性激励、明辨性思维等为基本理念,且在实践应用中成效显著。因此本文即对ISEC教学理念的应用实践进行了深入的分析,以期为达到ISEC培养目标提供一些建议和参考。  【关键词】ISEC;教学理念;应用实践;微探  【作者简介】石孟旭,内蒙
【摘要】随着国际贸易规模的不断扩大,商务英语的应用越来越广泛,但在中外交往过程中,由文化与语用差异造成的翻译失误,可能会对相关商务活动造成不良影响。基于此,本文就文化与语用对商务英语翻译的影响展开分析,首先介绍了文化背景差异、语言表达规律差异、母语惯性迁移等对商务英语翻译可能造成的影响,然后提出了相应的规避文化与语用失误的具体对策,期望最终能够为商务英语翻译水平的提升,提供一定借鉴与参考。  【关
【摘要】高三英语第二轮复习的过程中,大量的练习与讲解下,如果在课后能够更好的复习和回忆课堂知识,让学生在课堂后对课堂教学的补充和延续,也是巩固和复习课堂教学、提高教学质量的一个重要环节。笔者在此就高三第二轮复习如何保持学习的持续性及如何设置帮助学生有效掌握课堂知识的延续性练习进行论述。  【关键词】高三英语;第二轮复习;延续性学习;小组活动  【作者简介】陈景霞,广东省惠州市实验中学。  一、引言
【摘要】大学英语阅读教学与思辨能力培养相辅相成。本文探讨了评判性阅读的必要性,提出在教学中可以通过有效设计课堂提问、鼓励自主式与合作式学习、改进评测方式等途径培养学生的思辨能力。  【关键词】思辨能力;大学英语;评判性阅读  【作者简介】武芳芳(1978-),女,辽宁黑山人,东北大学外国语学院,讲师,研究方向:英语语言教学、计算机辅助语言教学。  思辨能力是世界各国对高等教育人才培养的核心目标之一