Characteristics of Some Heavy Metals in Acid Sulfate Topsoils, Eastern Australia

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Forty-five acid sulfate topsoil samples (depth < 0.5 m) from 15 soil cores at 11 locations along the New South Wales coast, Australia, were selected to investigate the chemical behavior of Zn, Mn, Cr, Co and Pb in these soils. The amount of HCI-extractable Mn was much smaller than the mean value of the total Mn documented for other soils. This may be attributed to enhanced mobilization of Mn from the soils under the extremely acidic and seasonally flooded conditions encountered in the investigated soils. The pH-dependency of soluble Zn and Mn was strongly affected by the availability of acid reactive Zn and Mn compounds. There were fairly good relationships between soluble Zn and acid reactive Zn compounds, and between soluble Mn and acid reactive Mn compounds. Soluble Zn and soluble Mn concentrations were important controls on exchangeable Zn and Mn concentrations, respectively. In contrast to the suggestion by other authors that adsorption of Co was closely associated with Mn oxides present in soils, the exchangeable Co in the investigated acid sulfate soils was not clearly related to the abundance of Mn minerals. In addition to the fact that there are few Mn minerals present in the soils, this might also be because the availability of canon exchange sites on the crystal surfaces of Mn oxides was reduced under extremely acidic conditions. Forty-five acid sulfate topsoil samples (depth <0.5 m) from 15 soil cores at 11 locations along the New South Wales coast, Australia, were selected to investigate the chemical behavior of Zn, Mn, Cr, Co and Pb in these soils. The amount of HCI-extractable Mn was much smaller than the mean value of the total Mn documented for other soils. This may be attributed to enhanced mobilization of Mn from the soils under the extremely acidic and seasonally flooded conditions encountered in the investigated soils. pH-dependency of soluble Zn and Mn was strongly affected by the availability of acid reactive Zn and Mn compounds. Mn contrast were important controls on exchangeable Zn and Mn concentrations, respectively. Respectively. In contrast to the suggestion by other authors that adsorption of Co was closely associated with Mn oxides present in soils, the exchangeable Co in the investigated acid sulfate soils was not clearly related to the abundance of Mn minerals. In addition to the fact that there are few Mn minerals present in the soils, this might also be because the availability of canon exchange sites on the crystal surfaces of Mn oxides was reduced under extremely acidic conditions.
各位领导、各位代表、各位来宾、朋友们、同志们 :湖南省茶叶学会“民营茶叶企业学术研讨会”于本月 2 6日在沅陵县官庄开幕 ,经过与会代表历时 4天的努力 ,今天在桃源县胜利
永乐三年(1405),明成祖朱棣迁都北京,下令编纂《永乐大典》。高僧姚广孝和翰林学士解缙带领3000多文臣接手这项任务,前后耗时四年。按照朱棣的要求, 大典共辑录图书七八千种,将中国古代典籍尽量收集齐全,内容可以说包罗万象,保存了大量我国14世纪以前的文学、艺术、史地、哲学、宗教和应用科学等方面的丰富资料。《永乐大典》的规模是空前的,就算用今天的标准来衡量,也是惊人的。《永乐大典》正文22877卷
Background: Intracranial hemorrhage is a serious possible complication in patients with brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM). Several morphologic factors asso