On the Flouting of Cooperative Principle in Print Advertising Language

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1. Introduction

  Advertising language is loaded with abundant information and enticements to stimulate customers’ purchasing desire. This paper will analyze the print advertising language based on the flouting of these four Cooperative Principle (CP) maxims and their conversational implicatures.

2. Theoretical Framework

  According to Grice (1975), CP is a principle of conversation with four maxims: quantity, quality, relation and manner. Flouting a maxim leads to implicature. It is obvious to the hearer at the time of the utterance that the speaker deliberately and quite openly failed to observe one or more maxims (Peccei, 2004). Therefore, flouting a maxim is open and noticeable.

3. Data collection

  Four pieces of print advertisements are collected randomly from The Globe Magazine and China Daily. And the topics cover areas of food, cars, and domestic appliances. Advertisements on TVs and from the Internet do not serve as research purpose as some visual and auditory elements may interfere in researches.

4. Analysis and Discussion

  Flouting the quantity maxim: This maxim includes two sub-maxims: 1) Make your contribution as informative as is required; 2) Do not make your contribution more informative than is required (Grice,1979). The former sub-maxim requires that information should be sufficient in the context. However, its flouting in advertising language is common.
  Example 1 Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. (Toyota Motor)
  Though feeling puzzled at first, you soon get its true meaning: when you are driving this vehicle, you will enjoy the poetical life. This advertisement has provided insufficient information to leave readers more time in imagination and infer the conversational implicature to reach its commercial goals.
  Flouting the quality maxim: Do not say what you believe to be false; do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence (Grice, 1975). Advertisings flouting this maxim occur when advertisers blatantly write something untrue or lacking adequate information. Several rhetoric devices can typically give rise to its flouting, like irony and personification.
  Example 2 Apple thinks different. (Apple Computer)
  In this advertising, name of the computer has been given life and can think in its own way. Personification used in advertisings can not only underline the functions and characteristics of the commodities, but also increase the attractions and readability of advertisements.   Flouting the relation maxim: Information in conversations should be “relevant” to the topic. But to hawk goods directly sometimes can be counterproductive as customers may feel boring and unattractive. Therefore, its flouting makes advertising language attractive
  Example 3 Rhythm of the Rain (Green Arrow gum)
  It seems like an advertisement for umbrella as it is the name of a song with brisk rhythms and tones in the rain. However, it aims to tell people that the light feeling of eating Green Arrow gum is just like singing this song.
  Flouting the manner maxim: Manner maxim requires the addressers express the meaning briefly and orderly. However, in advertisings, some ambiguous expressions and the flouting of this maxim is often used to enhance the charm of products and stimulate customers’ curiosities as well as purchasing desires. Violation of this maxim sometimes brings people unexpected effects.
  Example 4 We know eggsactly how to tell eggs. (an egg company)
  Most people may consider “eggsactly” a misspelled word at first, they may then find the formal part of this word is egg, meaning eggs are what the company sells; the latter part has the same pronunciation with “exactly”, enhancing people’s impression. With a sort of ambiguity, it attracts customers’ attention, leaving them a deep impression.

5. Conclusions

【摘要】《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》倡导基于主题意义探究的英语教学理念。本文分析了当前英语写作教学中存在的问题,并通过剖析一节话题写作课的教学设计,阐述了如何在初中英语写作课堂中落实基于主题意义探究的教学理念。  【关键词】主题意义;主题式教学;初中英语写作教学  【作者简介】周更生,广东省东莞市东城第一中学。  《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》(教育部 2018;以下简称《课
【摘要】PBCALL的含义是以开展项目形式和计算机为辅助手段进行语言学习。我国教育改革倡导培养学生主动学习、积极探究、分析解决问题和合作交流能力,这与基于项目的计算机辅助语言学习理念不谋而合。目前PBCALL研究在欧美已有几十年,而国内才引起教育人士的关注。本文探讨PBCALL的定义、研究、实践原则、核心特征以及与PBLL的异同,以期为外语教学提供启示。  【关键词】项目;计算机辅助;语言学习  
【摘要】语言翻译已经成为国际合作必不可少的沟通交流工具,对译者提出了更高更严的要求。计算机技术的快速发展推动语言翻译进入了一个新的历史阶段,本文着重阐述计算机辅助翻译对翻译质量的积极和负面影响及如何利用它以提高翻译质量。  【关键词】计算机辅助翻译;翻译质量;积极;负面;影响  【作者简介】朱俊,丽江师范高等专科学校。  在信息化时代,译者单凭扎实的语言功底﹑深厚的知识储备和查阅词典和文献的严谨态
【Abstract】We all know that oral practice plays an very important part in EFL. While make errors in the process of oral practice is inevitable and normal. Using Error analysis to analyse errors which w
【摘要】近年来,随着我国信息技术的快速发展,已经全面进入人们生活的各个角落,逐渐成了现代社会发展所不可缺少的重要元素。信息技术早已应用于教育领域中,其优势也越来越受到教育教学领域的关注。其中,初中英语的词汇教学,两极分化现象比较普遍,而本分则教学中存在的主要问题进行分析,以此探究运用信息技术强化英语词汇教学效果的方式方法。  【关键词】信息技术;英语词汇;初中学生  【作者简介】张云霞,甘肃省定西
【摘要】英语素质拓展对学生的自主学习能力以及自主体验给予了重点强调,对学生各项英语能力的提升非常关键。因此,本文针对素质拓展对高校学生英语应用能力的提升价值做出了进一步探究。  【关键词】素质拓展;高校学生;英语;应用能力  【作者简介】郑敏丽,王冬,海口经济学院。  本文对于素质拓展进行的探究,为英语素质拓展,与传统课程当中的教学活动有一定的区别,具体来说便是院校在常规授课活动之外,为学生营造的
【摘要】思维导图的别名又叫心智导图,顾名思义是一种把人的思维形成图形的工具。因其独有的发散性特点而在高中英语阅读教学中被广泛应用,其方法是以一个关键词为中心,延伸出许多与此内容相关的新的想法、任务和逻辑,从而有效促进英语阅读的学习和记忆,提高英语学习的效率。在学生的头脑中形成生动形象的导图,有利于学生从整体上把握学习的内容,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,提高教学质量。  【关键词】思维导图; 高中英语