清蒸鳝鱼卷原料:去骨鳝鱼250克鸡糁50克 蒜苔100克 姜、葱、蒜、泡红辣椒、芹菜、川盐、白酱油、胡椒粉、料酒、湿淀粉、蛋清淀粉、味精、鲜汤、化猪油、各适量制法;1.将、葱、蒜苔、芹菜洗净与泡红辣椒同切成节,姜、蒜切成片,均待用.2.去骨鳝鱼用川盐揉去涎液,入清水冲洗净血水,用干毛巾搌干水份,切成5厘米长的段,将鳝鱼表皮向下平铺菜墩上,先抹上蛋清淀粉,再将调好的鸡糁抹上,用手向前端推进卷成卷,然后一一装入蒸碗内定碗,同时放入川盐、料酒、胡椒粉、泡红辣椒、葱、姜等入笼蒸熟,取出后拣去泡红辣椒和葱姜,滗出原汁后翻入盘内.3.锅置火上,下化猪油烧至五成热时,下泡红辣椒节.蒜片、姜片等,加入原汁鲜汤和川盐、料酒、味精、葱、芹菜等,烧沸后勾芡淋于鳝鱼卷上,再将焯好的蒜苔分别摆于盘的四周即成.
Steamed eel roll Ingredients: 250 g boneless eel 250 g chicken gizzard 100 g garlic 100 g ginger, onion, garlic, soaked red pepper, celery, Sichuan salt, white soy sauce, pepper, cooking wine, wet starch, egg white starch, The soup, the lard, the amount of system method; 1, will, onions, garlic, celery washed with red pepper cut into sections, ginger, garlic cut into pieces, are ready for use. Kawasaki salt to saliva, into the water rinse the blood, dry towel dry water, cut into 5 cm long segment, the eel skin tiled piers down, first cast egg white starch, and then transfer Good chicken 糁 smear, hand to the front of the roll into the volume, and then one by one into the steaming bowl set bowl, while into the salt, cooking wine, pepper, soak red pepper, onion, ginger steamed into the cage, Remove and pick to soak the red pepper and onion ginger, decanted juice into the tray after the pan .3 set the pot on the fire, down into the Lansheng heat lard, soak under the red pepper section. Etc., add raw juice soup and Sichuan salt, cooking wine, MSG, green onions, celery, etc., after the boil, Gou leaching in the eel roll, and then Cheuk good garlic were placed around the plate Serve.