2 故障分析和排除方法 2.1 故障特征和产生原因 2.1.1 故障的外部特征一台性能良好的柴油机运转时声音柔和、转速平稳、排烟无色无刺激味,并且机器外表干净整洁。一但有了故障,就会发生各种各样的“怪异”现象,使操纵者从视觉、听觉、味觉等方面感觉到柴油机出了毛病。柴油机故障的外部特征可归纳如下: a.声音。柴油机某一部位发生碰擦声、敲击声、气体呼啸声或排气管放炮声等; b.烟色。排气管冒黑烟、蓝烟或白烟;
2 Fault Analysis and Troubleshooting 2.1 Fault Features and Causes 2.1.1 External Fault Features A good performance of diesel engine running soft, smooth, smoke exhaust colorless and non-irritating taste, and the appearance of the machine clean and tidy. Once a fault occurs, a variety of “weird” phenomena occur that cause the manipulator to feel the diesel engine out of its sight, hearing and taste. The external characteristics of a diesel engine failure can be summarized as follows: a. Sound. Crash sound occurred in a certain part of diesel engine, percussion sound, whistling gas or exhaust pipe blasting sound; b. Exhaust pipe black smoke, blue smoke or white smoke;