英国报业大王罗伯特·马克斯韦尔1991年11月5日落海身亡,一月之后,他的两个儿子凯文和伊恩被迫辞去其父报业集团两大公司主席职务。这个经营了40年的报业帝国开始崩溃。 12月初,英国《镜报》集团传出爆炸性新闻;这位“亿万富翁”曾通过非正常手续,从《镜报》集团所属两家企业中把7.67亿美元职工养老金秘密转到他私人门下。这一大“丑闻”引起英国严重欺骗案调查办公室的关注,并派人进行调查。据称,涉及此案的
British newspaper king Robert Maxwell died in the sea of November 5, 1991, and after January two of his sons, Kevin and Ian, were forced to resign as chairman of the parent newspaper group. The newspaper empire, which has been in business for 40 years, began to collapse. In early December, the “Mirror Newspaper” group of the United Kingdom made an explosive news. The “billionaire” secretly handed over the $ 767 million of employees’ pensions from his two companies belonging to the “Mirror Group” to his private Under the door. This big “scandal” caught the attention of the investigation office for serious fraud in Britain and sent people to investigate. Allegedly involved in the case