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  Here’s how to start great small talk. Use the mood match technique.
  Several years ago the Mensa organization, a social group of extremely bright individuals who score in the country’s top 2% in intelligence, invited me to be the keynote speaker at their annual convention. I don’t know why because I don’t even qualify to be in their group.
  Anyway, their cocktail party was 2)in full swing in the lobby of the hotel as I arrived. After checking in, I 3)hauled my bags through the 4)horde of happy-hour Mensans to the elevator. The doors separated and I stepped into an elevator packed with party-goers. As we began the journey up to our 5)respective floors, the elevator gave several sleepy 6)jerks.
  “Hmm,” I remarked in response to the elevator’s 7)sluggishness, “The elevator seems a little 8)flaky.”Suddenly each elevator occupant, feeling 9)compelled to exhibit his or her 132-plus IQ, 10)pounced forth with a 11)thunderous explanation. “Oh, it’s obviously got poor rail-guide 12) alignment,” announced one. “The relay contact is not made up,” declared another. Suddenly I felt like a 13)grasshopper trapped in a 14)stereo speaker. I couldn’t wait to escape the attack of the mental giants.
  Afterward, in the 15)solitude of my room, I thought back and reflected that the Mensans’ answers were, indeed, interesting. Why, then, did I have such an 16)adverse reaction? I realized it was too much, too soon. I was tired. Their high energy and 17)intensity 18)jarred my 19)sluggish state.
  You see, small talk is not about facts, or words. It’s about music, about melody. Small talk is about putting people at ease. It’s about making comforting noises together, like cats purring, or children humming, or groups chanting. You must first match your listener’s mood.
  Instead of jumping in with such intensity, the Mensans could have momentarily matched my 20)lethar-gic mood by saying “Yeah, it really is slow, isn’t it?” Had they then 21)prefaced their information with “Have you ever been curious about why an elevator is slow?” I would have responded with a sincere “Yes, I have.” After a moment of equalized energy levels, I would have welcomed their explanations about the rail-guard alignment, or whatever the 22)heck it was, and a friendship might have started.
  Have you ever been relaxing when some overexcited, hot-breathed colleague starts pounding you with questions? Or the 23)reverse, you’re late, rushing to a meeting, when an 24)associate stops you and starts lazily narrating a long, 25)languorous story. No matter how interesting the tale, you don’t want to hear it now.
  The first step in starting a conversation, without 26)strangling it too much, is to 27)tune in to your listener’s mood, and match it, if only for a sentence or two. When it comes to small talk, think music, not words. Is your listener 28)ada-gio or 29)allegro? Match that pace. I call it “Making a Mood Match.”




  Technique No. 10
  Make a Mood Match
  Before opening your mouth take a “voice sample” of your listener to detect his or her state of mind. Take a “psychic photograph” of the expression to see if your listener looks 30)buoyant, bored or 31)blitzed. If you ever want to bring people around to your thoughts, you must match their mood and tone of voice, if only for a moment.

  世界第一智商俱乐部 Mensa
  The word “Mensa” means “table” in Latin. The name stands for a round-table society, where race, color, creed[宗教信条], national origin, age, politics, educational or social background are irrelevant[不相关的]. Mensa was founded in England in 1946. Today there are some 100,000 Mensans in 100 countries throughout the world. There are active Mensa organizations in over 40 countries.
  Mensa meetings are anything but dull. Local groups meet at least monthly. Often it’s for dinner and drinks on a Friday night, or for get-togethers featuring a speaker or a lively, freewheeling[随心所欲的] discussion. There are also widely attended annual conventions offering workshops, seminars[讨论会] and parties, plus numerous regional gatherings are held each year.
“时间仿佛是架手风琴,时而拉长,时而缩短,收放之间,奏出千种旋律。”《三个六月》以1989、1995和1999年的三个六月为三个乐章,分别以大西洋两岸的希腊海岛、苏格兰鹈林老屋和纽约为场景,叙述了一个苏格兰家庭和他们所爱的人的聚散离合。  这是一部极感性的、几乎没有故事、只有生活片断的小说。书中充斥着大量的个人感觉和生活细节。看似杂乱,实则有章。在这些细节和感受中,始终回响着两个声音:感伤的回忆、
美式发音  提到“狗仔队”,许多人就会想到各种各样的负面消息,孰不知当下在美国,另类“狗仔队”却大受欢迎,只不过他们偷拍的并不是名人隐私,而是求婚时最幸福的那一刻。通过“狗仔队”的抓拍,可以记录下最真情流露的幸福瞬间,不过唯一的风险是,假如女朋友不肯答应嫁给你,摄影费还是要照付的。    (Goin’ to the 2)chapel, and they’re gonna get married.)
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