50 cases of abdominal trauma admitted to our hospital, conservative treatment in 5 cases, 45 cases of surgical treatment, 2 cases of death, diagnosis and treatment are now described below. First, the clinical data: The group of 50 patients were men, the youngest 13 years old, maximum 56 years old. The types of trauma: The group according to the type of visceral injury statistics 56 cases: 12 cases of splenic rupture, renal injury in 7 cases, 1 case of common bile duct rupture, hepatic rupture in 7 cases, mesentery laceration in 4 cases, 1 case of pancreatic injury, 11 cases of small intestine rupture, 2 cases of rupture of bladder, 1 case of rupture of inferior vena cava, 6 cases of rectal rupture, 1 case of gastric rupture, 1 case of retroperitoneal hematoma, 1 case of small intestine contusion and 1 case of duodenal rupture. Combined with: pelvic fracture in 7 cases, rib fracture in 3 cases, limb fracture in 2 cases, urethral injury in 6 cases.