掌声阵阵,笑语声声,射阳湖乡东片民主选举乡代表的大会正在进行,当主持人庄重宣布“杨念珠同志光荣当选,全票通过”时,会场一下子沸腾了。一双双充满信任的目光一齐向他投去:他,道道深深的皱纹已经刻上了额头,根根银色的白发也已布满了双鬓。是啊,射阳湖人民是太了解他了:他这棵在水乡深深扎根的老“杨树”,二十八年前还是一个城里的年青后生哩。“始终如一”,把青春贡献给水乡的教育事业。 1957年初秋的一天早晨,细雨蒙蒙,杨念珠身背行李,手提书囊,高卷裤管,满怀豪情地行进在乡间泥泞的小路上。他是刚刚告别年迈的母亲和热闹的宝应县城,主动要求来偏僻水乡工作的。素有“东荡水乡”之称的宝应县射阳湖乡,是盐城、兴化、建湖、宝应四县的交界处。那里河汊密布,村舍分散,文化落后。自古来多见芦花少见
Applause buzzing, laughter, Sheyanghu east of the village democratically elected representatives of the township assembly is under way, when the host solemnly declared “glorious elect Comrade Yang Tanzhu, all votes through the” venue suddenly boiling. A pair of eyes full of trust voted to him at once: he, deep road wrinkles have been engraved on his forehead, root silver hair has also been covered with double 鬓. Yeah, the Sheyang Lake people know him too well: He is an old poplar rooted deeply in the watery village and twenty-eight years ago as a young virginity in the city. “Consistently”, to contribute to youth youth water education. One morning in the early autumn of 1957, with drizzle and misty clouds, Yang Nianzhu carried her baggage, hand-book-bag and high-volume trousers with passion on the muddy path of the country. He just bid farewell to the elderly mother and bustling Baoying County, volunteered to work in remote villages and towns. Known as the “east swamp water,” said Baoying Sheyang Lake Township, Yancheng, Xinghua, Jianhu, Baoying four counties at the junction. There are densely populated rivers, scattered cottages and poor culture. More rare aloe rare since ancient times