游戏的创编:小班幼儿常把几何图形当成玩具,他们总是在“做”与“玩”的过程中把这些几何图形和自己所熟悉的东西联系在一起,并且给它们取上自己所熟悉物体的名称,如圆饼干、方手绢等。因此,教小班幼儿认识几何图形,就要让他们亲自动手操作材料,在实际操作中探索和学习,获得有关概念的感性经验。我根据小班幼儿的这一认知特点,设计了一组以幼儿操作几何图形为主的游戏。 游戏目的:1.复习对几何图形的认识。2.发展幼儿的观察力。
Game creation: small classes often use geometry as toys, they always “do” and “play” in the process of these geometric shapes and their familiar things together, and to get them familiar with the object The name, such as round cookies, square handkerchief and so on. Therefore, to teach young children to understand geometric figures, we should let them personally operate the materials, explore and learn in practice, and get the emotional experience about the concepts. According to this cognitive characteristics of children in small classes, I designed a group of children to dominate the geometry of the game. The purpose of the game: 1. Review of the geometry of the understanding. 2 development of children’s observation.