In the course of our progress, we often fight formalism. However, this ghost of great danger has always existed in varying degrees and sometimes even quite rampant. Ten years ago, Deng Xiaoping criticized some of the malpractices in his “southern tour talk” as “more formalism.” Not only has formalism not diminished, but it has become increasingly rampant and diversified. For example, Guoyang County, Anhui Province, forced to dismantle and peasants ’peasants’ houses for the construction of the “40,000 Project”. When winter comes, the peasants still live in temporary shelters, or live under the dry bridge. Shanxi Jiang County extravagant fee huge sums of money to engage in a well-known “science and technology demonstration park”, so that the profits of unprotected masses suffering from “fear of disease.” This kind of labor-for-money forms of formalism is increasingly difficult to contain, its own reasons.