常言道“病从口入”,此言不虚。像高血压、糖尿病等多半都是“吃”出来的。再有云“食补胜于药补”,食物防病既能获取营养,又避免了药物的毒副作用。所以,防治常见病,最有效的方法莫过于制定科学食谱,只要持之以恒,定能取得良好的效果。但无论单纯吃哪种食物,都不能解决所有问题,所以在食物的组合上动动脑筋就显得十分重要,这就好比拳击格斗,只有施展“组合拳”,才能将对手彻底打倒。 防高血压:蔬菜+水果+鱼 欧美专家分析,西方国家高达20%的人患有高血压,其中多
As the saying goes “sick from the mouth”, this remark is true. Mostly like high blood pressure, diabetes and so on are “eaten” out. Then there is the cloud that “food is better than medicine”, and that food prevents disease both to get nutrition and avoid the side effects of drugs. Therefore, prevention and treatment of common diseases, the most effective way than to formulate a scientific diet, as long as perseverance, will be able to achieve good results. But no matter what kind of food to eat, can not solve all problems, so the combination of food on the brain is very important, which is like boxing fight, only to display the “combination of boxing” in order to overthrow the opponent completely. Antihypertensive: vegetables + fruit + fish Europe and the United States expert analysis, up to 20% of people in Western countries suffering from high blood pressure, of which more