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随着劳资双方最后一次谈判无欢而散,NBA终于再一次陷入停摆,究竟谁应该为这次停摆负责?这次停摆和1 998年停摆相比会不会时间更长呢?衰退的经济究竟是让老板们受益了还是亏损了?且听ESPN四大专家的圆桌会议。1.和1998年相比,这次停摆会更久还是会短一点?凯文-阿诺维茨:应该是会更短,虽然从目前来看,劳资双方之间的分歧还是很大。不过,必须要看到在之前的几次谈判中,双方实际上都作出了让步。而且,劳资双方也知道这样闹下去对彼此都没有好处。布瑞特-拉吉:即便是悲观主义者,也应该相信这次劳资纠纷时间会比上一次短。球员们已经流露出妥协的意思,而老板们也有意向在经济方面作出让步,这将是双方达成一致的基础。 With the last negotiations between employers and employees alike, the NBA is finally shut down once again. Who should be responsible for the suspension? Will the suspension be longer than in the fall of 1998? What is the recession’s economy? Is to benefit the boss or a loss? And listen ESPN four experts round table. 1. Will the lockout be longer or shorter than in 1998? Kevin Arnowitz: It should be shorter, though for now the differences between employers and employees are still significant. However, we must realize that during the previous rounds of negotiations, both sides actually made concessions. Moreover, both the employers and the employees also knew that it would not be good for each other to go on like this. Brett - Raj: Even the pessimists, should also believe that this labor dispute time will be shorter than the last. The players have already revealed the meaning of compromise, and the bosses also have the intention to make economic concessions, which will be the basis for both parties to reach an agreement.
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作家是如何看待电子书的变化的?赛斯·高汀(Seth Godin)和凯文·凯利(Kevin Kelly)积极尝试新的出版方式,并体会“自出版”的爽快和责任。但很少人谈到出版以后的事情,比如说