在刺参人工育苗过程中,到10月中旬~11月上旬,稚参大部分个体体长已达到1 cm左右的变色参,即由原来的半透明变为棕褐色、赤褐色或淡绿色,这时虽然参苗已达到出池规格,但苗种的规格有很多还很小,个体差异也较大,用此苗种进行养殖和增殖放流,往往会因为冬季温度较低和规格较小,造成养殖成活率和增殖回捕率过低。通过采取地下井水或室内锅炉适当升温方式进行越冬保苗,可有效的提高刺参苗种对环境的适应能力,增加养殖苗种成活率。
In the process of artificial breeding of sea cucumber, by mid-October to early November, the majority of juvenile ginseng body length has reached about 1 cm of color, that is, from the original translucent to brown, brown or light green, which Although the seedlings have reached the size of the pool, but the specifications of many of the seedlings are still very small, individual differences are larger, with this seed breeding and proliferation of discharge, often because of the winter temperature is lower and smaller specifications, resulting Breeding survival rate and proliferation recovery rate is too low. Through the underground well water or indoor boilers proper way to overwinter seedlings, can effectively improve the adaptability of the sea cucumber seedlings to the environment, increase the survival rate of cultured seedlings.