熟读精思 入境生情

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在教学中,我十分重视读的训练,根据不同文章的特点采用不同方法读,在教师的引导下读读议议,议议读读,熟读精思,既训练和发展了儿童的思维和语言,又陶冶了儿童的性格和情操。一、深钻教材,以情动人示范朗读是一种重要的手段。教师生动地范读,会使学生受到极大的感染。只有教师真正领会了作者的思想感情,把自已的思想和作者融合在一起,才能做到以情动人,所以深钻教材反复研读是作好示范朗读的关键。如《别人,我爱的中国》一课中三次出现“别了,我爱的中国,我全心爱看的中国!”这句话,三句同样的话,由于放在不同的语言环境里,就表达了作者不同的思想感情;第一次是作者倚在船栏上,和岸上亲友道别,表现了作者依恋不忍离去的感情,朗读时速度稍慢,语调稍低以表达作者 In teaching, I attach great importance to the training of reading, according to the characteristics of different articles using different methods to read, under the guidance of the teacher read and discuss the meeting, read and read proficiency, not only training and development of children's thinking and Language, but also cultivate children's character and sentiment. First, the deep drilling materials, to move people demonstration is an important way to read. Teachers vivid to read, will make the students are greatly infected. Only when teachers truly understand the author's thoughts and feelings and integrate their own thoughts and authors can they make love with each other. Therefore, studying textbooks again and again is the key to demonstrating reading. Such as “others, I love China,” three times in a class, “I do not, I love China, I love China!” Three words in the same words, as placed in a different language environment, it Expressed the author's different thoughts and feelings; the first time the author leans on the bar, and shore relatives and friends goodbye, showing the attachment of the author could not bear to leave the feelings of reading speed slower, tone lower to express the author
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