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一、学生要认真检查准备好考试必备的证件和物品测试当天学生由住地前往测试场地前,教师一定要叮嘱并要求学生逐一认真检查好测试必需的各种证件如考试证、身份证。并带好跑鞋、止伤止痛药、饮用水、坐垫、雨具、防寒衣等物品,以应对突发的天气变化及偶发的伤病等情况。二、学生应吃好早餐、保证营养早餐应安排在卫生条件较好的地点就餐,由于学生早餐时间较早(大约在早晨5点~6点),教师最好在测试前一天与饭店管理人员协调好学生当天测试就餐的具体时间及饭菜的样式,保证学生能够 First, the students should carefully check the necessary documents and articles ready for the test test Students from the residence to the test site on the day before, teachers must be told and require students to carefully check each one of the necessary test certificates, such as test card, ID card. And bring running shoes, stop painkillers, drinking water, cushions, rain gear, clothes and other cold items in response to sudden changes in the weather and occasional injuries and so on. Second, students should eat breakfast to ensure nutritious breakfast should be arranged in better sanitary conditions dining, due to student breakfast earlier (about 5 in the morning to 6 in the morning), the best teachers in the day before the test with the hotel management staff Coordinate the students to test the specific time of the day dining and style of food, to ensure that students can
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最近,羊村可热闹了。因为村长宣布,将举行一次同题作文大赛,看看谁最聪明、最有才华。消息一传出来,喜羊羊、美羊羊、懒羊羊们别提多开心呢,他们都想趁此机会好好表现一下自己。然而,有一个问题让喜羊羊们有些犯难——同样题目的文章写出来会不会雷同呢?要知道同一个作文题大家是很容易想到一起去的。  有没有什么办法避免这种情况的发生呢?喜羊羊们决定请教博学的村长先给大家辅导一下。  村长非常高兴地接待了喜羊羊们
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美术教育的初衷是初步培养青少年审美能力、健康的审美情趣和良好的道德情操,提高青少年的观察能力、形象思维能力、想象能力和创造能力。 The original intention of art e