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“法国资产阶级革命”是高中《世界历史》上册的重点章节.1789年至1794年的法国资产阶级革命是世界近代史初期三次大的资产阶级革命中规模最大、内容最深刻、革命最彻底的一次.通过本章的教学,基本上可以将近代史中资产阶级革命这一历史概念阐述清楚.所以,它是世界近代史教学中的一个重点.在教学计划的时间安排上,近代史上三大资产阶级革命,英美两国各占用一个课时,而法国革命则占用四个课时.本章在教学中碰到的问题是:难点多、难度大.要搞好教学,首先要找出难点,然后想办法突破难点.本章在教学中有哪些难点呢?我认为主要有以下三点: “French bourgeois revolution” is a key chapter of the upper secondary school “World History.” The French bourgeois revolution from 1789 to 1794 was the largest, the deepest and the most revolutionary in the three big bourgeois revolutions of the early modern history of the world Thoroughly.Through the teaching of this chapter, we can basically clarify the historical concept of bourgeois revolution in modern history.Therefore, it is a focal point in the teaching of modern history in the world.In the teaching schedule, the third The big bourgeois revolution, Britain and the United States occupy one class each time, while the French revolution takes four class hours.The problems encountered in teaching in this chapter are: more difficult, more difficult.To do a good job teaching, we must first identify the difficulties, and then Think of ways to break through the difficulties.This chapter in teaching what are the difficulties? I think the following three points:
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