第一题 创造性复述根据下面几句话,编一个故事:狐狸在夜里做坏事,希望夜越长越好.它认为太阳是公鸡叫醒的,就把公鸡咬死了.但是,太阳照例从东方升起.第二题 听的理解与口头表达先听一段话,然后回答后面的问题.一声哨响,智力竞赛开始了.第一项是目测奖杯高度,我看着奖杯,和桌上的尺子对照着,我说有四十厘米,王丽和张军都说三十几厘米,一公布,是四十一厘米,我们班答得接近准确高度,得了八十分.旗开得胜,我们心里自然特别高兴.再看看我们班的同学,也是个个喜笑颜开.
The first question of creative paraphrase According to the following few words, a story: the fox doing bad things at night, hope the night is longer and better.It thinks the sun is the cock waking up, put the cock biting dead.However, the sun as usual from the East Listen to the second question listening comprehension and oral expression listen to a passage, and then answer the questions behind a whistle, the quiz began. The first is the height of the trophy, I looked at the trophy, and the ruler on the table In contrast, I said that there are forty centimeters, and Wang Li and Zhang Jun said about thirty centimeters. The first announcement was forty-one centimeters. Our class was approaching an accurate height and had eighty. Happy to see our classmates, but also all happy.