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一九五四年六月中央人民政府政務院發佈了「關於改進和發展中學教育的指示」。其中指出:「今後我們的中學教育既要加强政治思想教育,又要重視系統的科學知識的教學,同時還要注意體育衛生教育。」我們全國的教育工作者,一般都在為貫徹政務院這一個指示而積極努力。各地區的教育行政機關進一步加强了對中學的领導,有些地區組織教師編製出一套教學綱要和政學參考資料,有些地區還建立起教學研究室舆教師進修學院,為教師在職學習創造了有利的條件;許多學校校長更加注意領導教學工作;廣大的教師積極學習,認真備課,加强了知識考查並認真批改作業。半年來各地已取得不少成績並積累了一些寶貴經驗。但各地在執行全面發展的教育方針中,有些問題尚須進一步研究。現在只就我所了解的幾個問題來談談: (一)關於廳、局領導方面的幾個問題 第一、統一考試的問題。蘇聯有國家統一考試的制度,我國將來也會逐步實施。目前在某些大城市選擇一兩個科目先作試行(不把它當做一種普遍施行的制度)是有其積極意義的,可以藉此了解各校的某些情况並取得一定的經驗。當然初步試行就免不了發生一些問題,我們應該重視這些新的問題和經驗,以便作進一步的研究。有的地區在半年試行中發現主要的問題是:如果各個學校具體條件相差很大(例如各校學生原有文化知識基礎相差太大、教師及教學設備的條件懸殊等等),統一考試的要求標準就難於適應全部學校的現况。還有統一考試之前,必須進行充分的宣傳教育工作。如果對於這些方面估計不足,準備工作不足,在試行統一考試時就會造成廣大師生的思想緊張。有不少學校因為統一考試成績太低發生了思想波動。有一個學校,因為統一考試成績不好,校長未敢把這個「不幸」消息向師生宣佈,當這個消息從校外傳來之 In June 1954, the Central Government Department of the Central People’s Government issued the “Instruction on Improving and Developing Secondary Education.” Which states: “In the future, our secondary education should not only strengthen political and ideological education, but also emphasize systematic teaching of scientific knowledge, with attention also to physical education and health education.” Our nationwide educators are generally working to implement this Instructions and active efforts. Educational administrative organs in all regions further strengthened their leadership of secondary schools. In some areas, teachers were organized to compile a set of teaching and political reference materials. In some areas, a teaching and research institute of teachers and teachers was established, which created favorable conditions for teachers’ on-the-job training Many school principals pay more attention to leading the teaching work; the vast majority of teachers actively study and conscientiously prepare lessons so as to strengthen the examination of knowledge and seriously modify homework. Over the past six months, many achievements have been made and some precious experiences accumulated. However, some problems need to be further studied in the implementation of the all-round education policy. Now I will only talk about a few issues that I understand: (1) Several issues concerning the leadership of the bureau and the bureau First, the issue of the uniform examination. The Soviet Union has a system of national examinations that will be phased in gradually in the future. At present, it is of positive significance to select one or two subjects in some major cities before going to trial (not to treat it as a system that is universally implemented), so as to understand certain situations in schools and to gain certain experience. Of course, some preliminary problems will inevitably occur. We should attach importance to these new problems and experiences for further study. In some regions, the main problems found during the six-month pilot program are as follows: If the specific conditions vary greatly among schools (for example, the original knowledge base of students in different schools varies greatly, the conditions of teachers and teaching equipment are poor, etc.), the requirements of the unified examination The standard is difficult to adapt to the status of all schools. Before there is a unified examination, we must conduct adequate publicity and education work. If the assessment of these areas is insufficient, lack of preparation, when trying the unified exam will result in the tension of the majority of teachers and students. Many schools have fluctuated their minds because of the low test scores. There is a school. Because of poor grades in the Unified Examination, the principal did not dare to announce this “unfortunate” message to teachers and students. When the news came from outside the school
(一) 在现行统编初中语文课本里,现代汉语的语言教学材料,是以“知识短文”和“思考与练习”的形式编排在各册课文之后的。这些“知识短文”和“思考与练习”,结合课文,由浅