After the New Year, migrant workers and friends across the country, after a brief reunion with their families, have once again separated themselves from their flesh and blood. In the steep spring cold weather, they went north and south and entered the city working hopefully The trip. Perhaps their only hope is that they will be able to go home peacefully in the year-end with the hard-earned hard earned money they have earned in their year. However, migrant workers are now deceived and bullied when they go out to work. In order to reduce the risk of migrant workers, it is best to go hand in hand with relatives and friends of the same country. In this way, all are closely clung to each other and help each other in taking care of each other. Power appears to be relatively large. If you really need to go out alone to work, but also to have friends or relatives can take care of the place, it is best not to be alone in their own completely strange place alone to work. Wang Xu deposit Shandong Zaozhuang Shanting District Court